The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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tacwo ele4 Itoted HD '1 D( Three Schools Broken Into i 1 I 4 4 1 4 11: IL Pge 2 Entries can 1) mailed to: The Knight Co e-o Public Box in5 Charlotte 28201 WEATHER NEWS EVENTS r7p 71 74'0 1t rt I Nor t7 44e1144 Itt '71 11 4 44-4 ii-- i 1" s''1tzzit'- 4 140t 1- 0 I ft 1: 'kIi 1 14 -t: l''''' LI Lot l''- -irk -4i 1: 'r 'e71: 4 0vm i to 1''7s7r'''it'111't 1 'Z' Nit'SN: 1 it -1 1 i vrk--1 -4'7: b4 1: ttiN i 4 rivL 24i i tk if 1 -ia0: 7 ti zA ci a i 4 ''t 1 4 I i il 1 14 Yl Off 1 A 11 11044040404Piell Wi001MiNESObi Greensboro artist Tom Stanley opening Aug 1 woodcuts by UNCC psychologist and artist Douglas Powers opening Aug 15 and works by Charlotte artist and advertising executive Joe Thompson opening Aug 29 McDonald's new Dl hours are 10 am-5 pm Monday through Saturday except during the special Wednesday openins when the gallery will be open until 8 pm Exhibited artists will be at the gallery from noon until 1:30 pm and from 5 to 8 pm on the day of their openings Three schools were broken into late Saturday and yesterday and minor damage was done at each site police said A check of Charlotte Country Day School at 1440 Carmel Rd yesterday revealed two broken windows in an office building police said Police said the break-in occur red sometime between 5 pm Saturday and 11 am yesterday Nothing was reported missing though three typewriters had been stacked near the front door County police got a call about 4:30 pm yesterday that teenagers were playing on a water tower near the Bain Elementary School on Bain School Rd in Mint Hill THE CHARLOTTE July 16 1973 Art Exhibits Planned McDonald Art Gallery 115 McDowell St will hold a series of special two-week in exhibits beginning Wednesday The first exhibit will be African art and will include tribal masks statues and jewelry from 10 African nations Future exhibits include paintings and drawings by 9evd CALL QUEST Charlotte A lottery Friday will determine which 600 area high school students will be reassigned from east and southeast schools to West Charlotte High School Page 1A People Richard Burton says the only thing that kept Elizabeth Taylor from flying to Moscow to be with him is the illness of her mother He said they will be reunited in Rome later this week Page A broken fuel line is blamed for a $250000 blaze aboard a yacht owned by singer Frank Sinatra Sinatra was not aboard Page 9A Unplugging Herbert Kalmbach says he raised money for defense of original Water- gate defendants Page 1A the Blowing Rock Horse Show I've heard about It for years but never been close C4 lough to attend When will it held this year? JTC Shelby Chief operator Hazel White foreground connects another call at the switchboard of the telephone company in Lake Providence La The system was replaced by automotic equipment this weekend Al' Wirephoto imsomomm A The Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show is having its 50th anniversary this year The show will be Aug 2-5 It is held each year at a permanent stable and ring in Blowing Rock off Highway 221 Proceeds from the show are donated to local charities On Thursday tickets are $1 for adults and 50 cents for children The Friday Saturday and Sunday tickets are $2 for adults and $1 for children Tickets will be available at the gate rody of hitand-run victim found in Florida field Page '1A Mecklenburg County Commissioners call for establishment of joint study committee between the county board and Charlotte-Mecklenburg School system to help improve budget communications Page IB King Hussein of Jordan and his prime minister Zaid Rifai are back home after spending five days in London for talks with Prime Minister Edward Heath Page 9A Carolinas Gaffney SC textile plant is heavilly damaged by explosion Page 11A TA6 atedott6 ewee UPON ARRIVING at the school the officers found three 15-year-old boys sitting on the grounds and noticed that one of them had a cut on his hand police said Several windows were found broken and the teenagers were taken into custody and turned over to Youth Bureau officials School security officer Terry Morgan told police that a teenage boy was seen leaving through a side window at Lincoln Heights Elementary School at 1900 Newcastle St about 5:25 pm yesterday The school's libr a was completely ransacked but officers were not sure if anything had been taken police said Photo Contest Set The ilw or th Community Development Associai ion is sponsoring photo contest entitled "The Contemporary Moods of Dilworth: Its People and Places" Winning photos will IV exhibited Aug 13 at the Dilworth Jubilee and in the lobby of the Knight Publishing Co building from Aug 20 to Aug 31 The contest is 'open to he public and entries will be accepted crtil Aug 12 1973 First place winner will be awarded a cash prize of $100 The contist will be judged by professional photographers and artists horn th:" Chart nte Area compiled by Judy Gaultney mosionswall lemonmsof While we were at North Myrtle Beach last month we saw what (he people on the beach were calling a water spout 11 was a good ways out in the ocean and the water was just swirling around and shooting straight up in the air Can you tell me something about DA Oxford warehouse ablaze threatening to damage a large area of a city block Page 113 Piedmont Natural Gas Company's proposed rate increase has been de- laved by the federal pricelreeze Page 113 With a name like his you'd think he'd rather be a Smith or a Jones Page 113 Today Press for substantial wage and fringe benefit improvements Textile Workers Union of American confer drug raids Page 8A John Ryan Southern Bells vice president and general manager is resigning but will remain in Charlotte in another undisclosed position Page la A A water spout is sort of like a tornado on the water It occurs over the surface of the sea or a lake A whirling funnel-shaped mass first appears suspended from a large storm cloud This seems to grow downward tapering toward the surface of the water which becomes violently agitated When the spout is completely formed the water from the surface appears to be drawn up to join the clouds above This however is an optical illusion as practically all the water carried along by the revolving spout is condensed from the air Water spouts occur most frequently over warm tropical seas Lifestyles 8 am to 7 pm Registration for swimming classes YWCA Park Rd or YWCA Trade St 8 am to 5 pm Inflatable building display lobby of Atkins Hall College of Architecture University of North Caro lina at Charlotte 9 am to 4:30 pm Exhibit of art work by physical plant director Edward Ayers Little Gallery of Cone University Center University of North Carolina at Charlotte 6:30 pm Queen Charlotte Chapter of ABWA meeting Honey's Restaurant Harry A Smoak speaker 7:30 pm Center for Human Development Parent Group Center for Human Development 8 pm Theosophical Society: Unitarian Church Booken Room Sharon Amity Rd 8 pm Charlotte Men's Barbershop Chorus Providence Rd Baptist Church all men who like to sing invited AEE TOMORROW Charlotte will seek $2 million in federal funds to hell) finance improve ments in local bus service 1 If you're planning to buy a tennis racquet there are a few things you may want to know first Page 18A New hope for overweight people is seen in the Overeaters Anonymous Clubs springing up over the country Page 18A Church of Scientology uses clay molding other techniques in counseling Page 16B Major: I Helped Fake Bomb News Suspect Refuses To Return To NC NORTH WILKESBORO (111 Tomorrow The bed you buy tells much about your personality Read about some famous people's choices Page 19A Internattonal Freed Canadians say they suffered harsh treatment at hands of Viet Cong Page 1A Merle Oberon says she will marry young actor but people talking about her age make her feel old Page 21A WASHINGTON (11' Former Air Force Maj Hal 11 Knight testified today that he helped falsity reports of US bombing in Cambodia in 1970 a am to 7 pm Registration for swimming classes YWCA Park Rd or YWCA Trade St a am to 5 pm Inflatable building display lobby of Atkins Ball College of Arcbitecture University of North Carolina at Charlotte 9 am to 4:30 pm Exhibit of art work by physical plant director Edward Ayers Little Gallery of Cone University Center University of North Carolina at Charlotte 10:15 am Festival of Learning "Chinese Culture" The Traditional and the Contemporary Dr A Trimble Room 106 Dana Building Queens College 6:30 pm Charlotte Business and Professional Women's Club YMCA Morehead St tee said the subject lois explored last Friday at the nomination hearings of Gen George Brown to he Air Force chief of staff The testimony Symington said showed two types of raids ink) Cambodia before May 1970: tactical emergency missions supporting ground forces near the meandering unmarked border and B52 raids near the border Portugal's prime minister arrives in Britain for visit amid growing storm over reports of massacres by his troops ill Portuguese aEst African territory Page 5A Extradition proceedings were to begin today to return a carnival worker from South Carolina to face trial on a murder charge according to Wilkes County Sheriff Hoke Wiles Wiles said Todd Charles Allen 29 had refused to waive extradition Allen was arrested while working with a carnival in Oconee County and was jailed in Anderson Wiles said Allen is charged in the shooting death June 21 of fellow carnival worker Joseph Schoffield of Tuscaloosa Ala The carnival was operating on the outskirts of North Wilkesboro at the time of the slaying Even though the court says your husband will pay the bills divorce does not relieve you of the responsibility when he doesn't Page 23A Hair transplants can be tragic done wrong but there is much promise of contentment when done right Page 23A Knight told tne Senate Armed Services Committee that he knew of "somewhere between 20 to 24 bombing raids inside Cambodia" before May 1 1970 when American ground forces made an incursion into Cambodian sanctuaries of North Vietnamese troops Knight living in Memphis Tenn since his release from the Air Force on April 30 was called to testify at the request of Sen Harold Hughes rF YOU BAIT an event at general Interest to be listed sere card to Judy Gaultney The Charlotte Scene Box an Charlotte 28201 Please be sure that it reaches us thrt av before the (lase it is to oter Soorts Despite his second no-hitter California's Nolan Ryan says he needs to work on pitching Page 14A Dean Deman's victory in Robinson Golf is one for the good guys Page Symington said that the testimony showed that orders for the raids came from "above the level of the command in Vietnam" Brown who was confirmed by the Senate on Saturday was Air Force commander in South Vietnam before May 1970 lerzratI: 11 I 41k 'tfm' 1r 4 A i $1 )' 4 ''''et 4 i "iN: 4" 'i 14 lk $04190 4 1 40 l' 5'f' II' S' "41: i slPie 01 :41 re It I Storms In Italy Kill 15 I The Charlotte News pub lisoud doily ouaoat Somali at SOO Tryon St lloa SS chariot NC 78701 Toloononosi Smien000rd 3T471170 Clammod AdS Yrt74)4 Circulation S141311 SUBSCItiPTION RATES Single espy Doily 10c Do livaiod hy Cottoot AO a week 2 AO a month HEATH HUSSEIN BURTON MILAN Italy Severe rainstorms lashed northern Italy over the weekend causing floods and landslides along the Italian Riviera and leaving at least 15 persons dead authorities said Four people drowned when a bride collapsed in the bad weather near Turin on Saturday Their cars plunged into a river Ten people drowned because of rough seas in central Italy over the weekend A Brazilian seaman was knocked into a deep tank on his ship by a gust Of wind and died Venice authorities said The worst damage from rainstorms was reported along the Italian Riviera crowded with tourists Water swept away some parked cars in SaVon a Landslides blocked roads in the provinces of Biella Vado Ligure and Albenea Dozens of cellars were flooded in Turin Milan and other north Italian cities Today the weather still was cloudy with scattered rains in northern Italy but further improvement was expected National New auto safety features in 1974 model automobiles will call for some changes in driving habits Page '11A THE APPEARANCE followed a letter written by Knight to Sen William Proxmire D-Wis in January asserting that Knight falsified at least a dozen reports under orders of superiors to conceal raids across the border into Cambodia Knight said the raids were "never very far inside Cambodia usually just a few kilometers" He said he knew of no raid that was more than 10 kilometers inside Cambodia before Itlay 1970 Sen Stuart Symington acting chairman of the commit Charlotte golfer Sue Johnson is too busy playing to be a star Page 151 The thrill is gone for San Francisco's Willie Mc Covey but is returning for pitcher Juan Marichal Page 15A It's a good weekend for A Foyt Roger McCluskey and Peter Revson in auto racing Page 16A Olga Korbut may retire if gymastic federation bans her routine Page I7A RATES IV NAIL To Pinto' lents I 2 3 Month 1110 1 months le ea Months sto lc Year SO 60 Potoo To Potts! Zane' 4 2 Furnished Upon Request Mail subscriptions ore payable IP solvent esulonts $Od 2 sales lox cIl postoge Hid at Chatioile NC Senate Majority Leader 3like Mansfield DMont said "It's just another indication of the nefariousness with which this war was conducted" "IT'S AN example of usurpation of power by the military" he toki newsmen "It's a sorry chapter in the tragic episode" Mansfield said Hughes was entitled to credit for bringing it out and was glad the Armed Services Committee was going to air the matter "I don't know what the hell has happened to our sense of morality" Mansfield said AI carriare dealors and dstrIbuters are indownclent contractors of the Point Pub-litho Co Collection of subscriptions ot oth or than published rates is 001 authorized Narcotics agents get new regulations aimed at avoiding mistakes in noknock drug raids Page BA Look For An Increase In Shower Activity CALL ON THE GOOD-NATURED WHISKEY 1121 NNW TIDES AT CHARLESTON TOMORROW High 941 am 10:53 pm Low 4:39 a 154 OM LOCAL LAKE LEVELS Full Pond Water Elevation Level Down Norrnm 760 0 981 15 Mountain Island 6473 958 42 Wylie 569 4 960 31 Full pond elevation Is In feet above sea level Water level figure is based on 100 representing full pond Readings are made daily ODDS ON RAIN For Charlotte and vicinity 30 Per cent tonight SO per cent tomorrow The Thermometer i ve-4 441:75 1''' 4- 7'''--r7H 1 en: I 4 4 '0 4 4 J'-' '3444 ''''1P :1 i 1 14 V'''' 4'444 r''' "A 4- 1 1 A -4 07' 4 e' 4 Ilti114 0 er 4iz ''''iv-: 11' 1 bt (01LA Il'Date From NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE i so NOAA US Dept of Commerce IL 50 qOff Ai 1 tdt4m6 dal "4: illkws ot 0 A Olt oloa 60 I 111)t A 111110A I Le 0 10 70 tit STATIONARY op 01111 limo mu :11111 as11111111Nomot 1 in fiE a ci 1 tf4 19 17'r a 717 kaln MU 1 '1 re 2 1 0 1 re 4 I 1 I r710- '11171E 4j TEMPERATURE SUMMARY Highest yesterday 811 Lowest this morning 68 Average yasterdaY 70 Normal yesterday 79 Excess tor month 24 nelkiencY for year 371 Highest on record Ms deli 100 In 1667 Lowest on record 0116 dote 60 In 1989 THE EXTREMES Veslerdey's high 109 ot Blythe Ce lit Yesterdev's tow 36 el Grand Forks ND FORECAST poomm000Lowobonhomida RECAST Elli 60 Showers MI '1 SI 70 4 "A 1 91 op '-egh ele141 70 0-- figuros Sbow Low Temperatures Expociod Until Tuesday Morning 70 i Sbow Low Temperatures Expectiod Tuesday Morning A k'enk cool front pushed its way through the eastern sections of North Carolina this morning and will move off the Tar Heel coast later today However an improving weather picture for North Carolina does not seem to be in thc cards The frontal system yin he-come stationary through northern Mississippi Northern Alabama Northern Georgia and across central Smith CaroA5 a result cloudiness will 'persist across North Carolina for the next two days and there will he scattered showers and thundershowers aleng the coast across the southern portions of the slate and in the mountains today Showers and thundershowers will he more numerous tomorrow and will 'spread across the northern inlerior porlions or the slate as -t fronbil sytem begins to move northward across North (rolina tomorrow 811(1 to111 orow night l'emperatures across North 'C arollna Ji lir lir(1 diehn somewhat during the next No days due to the cloudiness ugh readings will he around go degrees Iii the mountains and will range wowed to the mid tais over the southern sue-lions of the Male Around the slate yesterday 4laisidernble cloutlines witS Me rule (luring the morning A I li cool front nnproat hod the Nord) Corohna Mountains oin the northwest seallered tho yrs and thundirdiaArrs IIsolated Precipitation Not Indicated- Conceit Forecast 41 Precipitation Not IndicatedConsult Local Forms 1 14 14 the Mall By The Hour T4 0 teDAtureA tor the 21 hour endmq al noon toclay: 1 0 00 1 am 71 2 0m 07 2 am 70 3 OA 114 3 am 70 4 nrn AS 4 am 70 5 0M 07 5 0m in 6 p311 OF 6 am in 1 0M 03 7 0rn 0 11 om el II 71 9 0m 70 Noon Al 10 13 9 9 75 71 7310 0to 7A Mittnielit 12 11 am 19 CAROLINA 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NORTH CAROLINA: Mostly cloudy through tomorrow with sentlered showers Or thiliiikr showers coast southern portioos nod ittountitios today nod over the entire stale by 1umor1'0w HighS today HMI Minor row nround 110 ininintiling nod luw to nod Hos elsewhere II tunighl lIM Inutinlains ouing lo low 793 Aouth roost sumo! InriAy 1R I Smirk(' inmorrOW 672 Am Mnotirk0 I monmos 10 RELATIVE HIIMIOITT nor Lino Ai limn WINO 6 rri SEA Levrt rinssuRe It) PRECIPITATION RUMMAPVt Ifitoil for 24 hotitt Am14144 i A ilt 47 1 MAI Inr miwth 7 17 Nnrmtil tor niorith A ON I xnt 0 month' 44 One Vtor 4 40 10141 for soot: 79 As Pr 1414111nrk 141)1410 40 (k no 'fru PO 41 77 (111111 119 moNis PI i 411 IIII OH VI 71 1 14101 Wishatri 44 Al 10 WI ST PS (4 A S4 6i 11 (10 61 001 AS St A.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.