Anderson Independent from Anderson, South Carolina (2024)

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2A Independent-Daily Mail Sun Sept IS News The Andeison IndependentDaily -V Mail vf Highway 29 (North) PO BOX 2507 ANDERSON SC2W21 Second Class Postage Paid at Anderson SC Oconee GOP about six months after the hearing he added A few residents of the crash site area thought the plane may have exploded a been on fire before impact One resident of a nearby apartment house said the plane like a ball of when it passed over his building Mrs Thomas Cox who lives a few hundred yards from the site said the aircraft three Mg boons when it went right over our house 1 heard it sound like -But an FBI agent on the scene who asked not to be identified- said searchers found no evidence of a bomb An Eastern spokesman said he had no reason to suspect sabotage The survivors also said they were unaware of any problems until the final seconds out the window and saw a tree go said a young sailor felt norms!" said stewardess Colette Watson felt a real hard Jolt and my first impression was that our gear had cone down and that we were on the runway I looked up and saw Federal Aviation Administration officials also indicated that the flight appeared to be proceeding routinely Eastern said the pilot Reeves' was an experienced aviator 1 who had flown into Charlotte several times wathatta Devoe Blackston chairman of die Oconee County Republican Party announced Saturday the GOP convention win reconvene Monday night to nominate a candidate for tuperviior i He aaid the meeting to be held at 7:30 pm in the County Health Building South Broad Street Walhalla is expected to be attended by a number of Republicans Papers Adjust Belton Boy Reeves was killed The copilot James Daniels survived and is listed in satisfactory condition in a Charlotte hospital Hospital officials would not permit Mm to be interviewed Saturday Many passengers may have survived the crash only to die as flames from exploding en-gine feel engulfed the plane Medical teams conducting au- topsies said most of the victims burned to death Rescuers told of hearing pitiful screams from those burning to death girl was lying beside the fusilage and had burns from head to said Jim Stanley was screaming real loud and I got Among toe charred bodies were those of a mother and a 1 child waddled in ha arms New their bodies was a book: Woods and Wild Things I The survivors were either thrown from the aircraft a were lucky enough to find an exit before smoke and fire filled the cabin was a Mg flash of said Frances Mihalek of Charleston started rolling around feeling the heat all the time I was being twisted around in my seat Then 1 stopped rolling unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the plane into a A government safety expat said fire from exploding Jet fuel is so intense that it will consume a cabin CHARLOTTE NC thought it was somebody dynamiting it was loud it was so loudthe screaming yelling -and crying it was The sounds of death for 69 persons braced and buckled for a routine landing at Douglas Municipal Airport Seconds later dead in the wreckage of Eastern Air Lines --Flight 212 One of the 13 who survived the crash Deborah Sanders 17 of the Bronx NY died Saturday of her injuries Two others remained in critical condition with extensive burns The DC9-30 with 82 persons aboard crashed Wednesday off NC 49 as it prepared to land The flight originated in Charleston SC and was bound for Chicago after the stop in Charlotte Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board say they will spend another week examining the wreckage The engines were hauled away from the crash site Friday and carried to the airport where they will be torn apart fa clues Federal investigators will not speculate on what may have caused the crash However NTSB spokesman Ed Slattery says a preliminary examination indicated that the engines were operating normally at the time of the crash A NTSB hearing wiU be held in Charlotte in about three a four weeks he said The final report will be made public An U-year-old Belton boy died in the emergency room of Anderson Memorial Hospital at 7:55 pm Friday after suffering head and body injuries in a bicycle-car collision 40 minutes earlier Eddie Dean Standard 8 Stringer St died from head injuries after a bicycle he was riding collided with a car driven by Larry Gravely 1309 PAN Drive Anderson Wilton Mackey Anderson County coroner said Saturday The accident occurred near 5 McKee St in Belton Mackey said Gravely said he was on his way to work at a Belton mill at the time Mackey said No I wiD be held the corona: said Prices and Daily Mail carriers have been faced with rising costs fa gasoline and supplies throughout the year A significant portion of the increase will go to the carriers to help them offset their added costs of serving readers As a considaation to current subscribers the newspaper will honor pay-in-advance subscriptions at the current subscription rates until Oct 15 The subscriptions must be for three months a six months a one year A check money order for the propa amount must accompany the orda The current rate for three months of the Independent is $945 It is $510 for three months of the Daily Mail Continued From Page 1-A a savings of $180 a month compared to the single-copy price The new home delivery rate for the Daily Mail five afternoons a week will be $205 a month This gives subscribers a savings of $115 a month compared to the single-copy price In addition there will be a special added discount for subscribers to both newspapers The $350 Independent rate plus the $205 Daily Mail rate total $555 However the special combination rate fa the two papers will be only $5 JO a month This combination means subscribers to both papers will have a savings of $320 a month AMA To Help Campaigns WASHINGTON (AP) The American Medical Association has earmarked at least $25000 for the re-election campaigns of 10 members of the House Ways and Means Committee which writes health insurance legislation For several years the committee has been waking on a variety of health bills many of them opposed by the AMA Of the 10 members singled out by the major medical organization six Joined as sponsors of a health insurance plan supported by the AMA At least two of the 10 Reps Richard Fulton D-Tenn and Omar Burleson D-Tex are unopposed In the Nov 5 general election The contributions were disclosed in records filed with the clerk of the House One Killed Two Injured A Honea Path man was killed and two other persons injured in a one-car accident about midnight Friday on Broadway School Road Dead on arrival at Anderson Memorial Hospital wax the driver 22-year-old James Harley Nelson of RL 2 Honea Path Nelson died from a head injury Anderson County Coroner Wilton Mackey said Saturday Ray Gambrell 30 of RL 1 a passenger in the car was listed in fair condition in Anderson Memorial Hospital at 10:30 pm Saturday -The other passenger Dawn Campbell 28 of 603 Main St Baton was treated fa cuts and bruises at the hospital and released The car ran off the road about three miles east of Highway 29 and traveled about a quarter-mile before it hit an embankment and overturned Mackey said No inquest will be held he said Ridge Homes is here with the home and the compared to -the single-copy price factors have forced this Ginn explained the papa on which the newspaper is printed has recently increased to $220 pa ton By January it will be $256 a ton Second class postal rates continue to escalate: The cost of general operating materials is up 15 pa cent this yew alone We appreciate that a rate adjustment is not desirable in an inflationary economy and we have trimmed corners to keep the subscription rates below those of Atlanta and Greenville Anotlwr consideration in die increase is that Independent a value your Ridge dealer shipped come the weatherproof skilled Ridge the Ridge efficiency home families You make what you What's basic true for features At no floor plan select color is entirely Save of the Can saw? $4000 some of We'll To Meet Fatally Injured Andman weedier in (or mat ion for Ike Mftour parted aiding at 7 pjn Saturday TEMPERATURES HighaMM' Normal High LowaatTI Normal Low as Moan II Normal Mean 7S PRECIPITATION Ytdarday Thia Month lM Total (or Voar ISS2 Normal tar Mantti lit HUMIDITY 7 am I 1 pjn 5 7 pm 74 SUN-MOON TOOAY Sunrita 7: Warn Maonrfgal-ap-ni Moonaat 12: Ham RIVER SULLSTIN itatiaa FM Itg Data Hgt Cfcga Prac AuguataGa 14 7J 10 0 Pauar I I Graanvilla 12 RIVER STATEMENT Far tha Saluda Braad Wataraa Congaraa Catawba Santa EdHte Pa Da Black and Waccamaw Rivar baaina in South Carolina All rhrora ar within lhair banka with IHtla changa expected (or to mat Sa hours Lake Levels COLUMBIA South Carolina lake levels as reported by the Columbia Weather Service -Lake Clark Hill 3304 feet about one-half foot above normal pool Lake Hartwell 659 feet one foot below normal pool Lake Greenwood 437 6 feet about 4 feet below full stage Lake Marion 75 feet about 114 feet below fell stage Lake Moultrie 74 feet about 2(4 feet below foil stage Lake Murray 3527 feet about 7(4 feet below full stage Lake Wateree 954 feet about feet below full stage Lake Keowee 968 feet about 3 feet below foil stage 07) Tk Auoclatad Prat antlttad dutivrty to tlw um for rapuMleatlan ax Rw local nows printed In nimptnii as wall as all AP naws dispatch Subscription Ratos Whan Dtllvtnd by mall and by Carrlar In Andsrson and In CMts and towns Whara Carrlar Sarvlco Is Avallabla: Tba nnOiimi 'indapMdnt11 Dally Mail7 1 Mo3 Mos4 Mos1 Yr $315 S94S 51970 $37 JO Sunday Only 2Sc Motor Routes: sama rate to road sldt tub or subacrlbars Tha Andsrson Dally Mall (Monday through Friday) and Tha Andsrson Indopondsnt Daily AMI 1 Mo3 Mos4 Mosl Yr $275 $625 $14 JO $3300 All carrier daalars and distributors si Tho Andsrson I nd a par (tent ar In dapondant contractors Advanc payments ter subscription may nt PuMli diractly to Tha li Xliklng Company an apant No mpsnslbllity tor advanc a payments mad to Iha carrltr ter thro months or longor Is assumod by this Company All Telephones 224-4321 i ei 19428 1 ZIP (Town) (Town) to the homesite in two stages First materials and components for the exterior which is erected by professionals on the foundation builds Then after that is erected interior finishing materials arrive A home gives you consistent quality and low cost This is why a precut is the beet answer for so many Clemson Continued From Pnge 1-A quarter began Once there though Ken Callicutt fumbled The rest was bag The Tigers were finally done in The first half was a frustration fa Clemson which newly played the Aggies even and quarterback Mike who nevw really had a chance to do his part The Tigers came out of it trailing 1(H) came within a yard of falling behind 17-0 and could have easily escaped with a rewarding 0-0 deadlock Bennie Cunningham led a first-time Ctemson charge by first catching an 8-yard pan from for a first down on the first series and two plays lata gathered in a halfback toss from Ken Callicutt that covered 25 yards of Kyle Field Then the first half started Twice in toe next series was surrounded by Aggie linemen who were showing the sophom*ore Tlga quarterback how things would be done thereafter Clemson only once more squeezed into Aggie territory by a yard Ratha life with the ball was a study in redsMrts fa who found himself having to pass on most every third down but not having the time a room to do it Three times the Aggie bore so intensely upon that they ended up with the football The last was late in the second quarter and was responsiMe fa first half touchdown Warren Trahan jarred O'Cain and Garth Ten Napel fell on one fumble at the Clemson 22-yard line The Tiger defense more than held pushed the Aggies back and Randy Haddox missed a 44-yard field goal attempt Clemson got toe ball on its 20 but and Callicutt confused a upset by the Aggie penetration missed connections on a handoff and Paul Hulin recovered fa ARM on the Tiga 16 Skip Walka and Bubba Bean ran fa a first down before Walka rushed in from the three extra point made it 10-0 The first Aggie score was also the result of a Clemson mistake Clemson living up to the defense coach Red Parka had hoped fa held ARM until the Aggies had to punt on their first possession But a Clemson penalty on the punt gave its first down CImon SOS Texas AIM 17 7 AIM-FG Haddox AAM-Waibar 1 run (Haddox kick) aam-wiXt run (Haddox kick) asm Stan run (Haddox kick) A II 792 Ridge has 15 models from $13730 $23675 and a down payment of just $100 With Ridge Homes a family can own the home they want for ias little cash as $100 down You'll find the whole exciting etory in the new Ridge Homes Magazine "Planning Choosing and Building the home that's right for your It's 64 colorful pages of pure inspiration In it you'll read an article written by Francis Reers a typical Ridge customer who tells how he built his own Ridge home with $100 down on his building lot Ridge Homes Is the reason Who is Ridge Homes? one of the largest home manufacturers And now there's a Ridge Homes dealer here too In a nutshell what Ridge offers is a program that helps people of moderate income get the exact home they've always wanted Over 25000 Ridge homeowners are proof that our program works WEATHER Showers are forecast over scattered sections of the country Sunday according to the National Weather Service Precipitation is expected over the northeast Great Lakes region the southern portion of Florida sections of Texas New Mexico and Arizona and in Canada due north of North Dakota (AP Wirephoto) Front To Cause you Like the foundation and weatherproof exterior Then you can finish up as much of the interior as you want Or as little And your Ridge dealer will be right there if you need any help or professional advice Thousands of families helped build their own Ridge homes this way and ended up with more home than they ever thought they could afford Use Our Money To Build Your Home As one of the largest home builders in the US we have the financial resources and the mortgage program to help you build your new Ridge home If your dealer can't arrange a local mortgage Ridge Homes Open Door plan lets qualified buyers who own (or can get) a building lot free and clear start building with a down payment of just $1001 Our rates are competitive there are no to pay closing costs are minimal' and the first installment can be delayed 5 months! As one of America's largest home builders -we use our own financial resources to help our customers build their homes Now you should see our Magazine a free copy waiting at your Ridge In the 64-page Ridge Homes Magazine "Planning Choosing and Building the home that's right for your you'll see all our Ridge home models decorator ideas do-it-yourself tips choices and options galore and of course the fea- -ture article written by a man who built his Ridge home with less cash than a month's rent! So get your free magazine at your Ridge Or mail the coupon It's your first big step toward making your dream home come true Cooler Weather a Ridge home exactly want It to be your pleasure? Rancher? Bilevel? You'll find it among Ridge Homes' models Then that dream starts coming Your Ridge home will be tailor-made you thanks to the hundreds of and options you can choose from extra charge you can change the choose the exterior design your kitchen bathroom fixtures scheme everything! The choice yours! thousands by doing some work yourself you swing a hammer? Or handle a Then you can save yourself up to on your new Ridge home by doing the interior finishing work yourself take care of the tough jobs for A Ridge pre-Cut home ie better home and a better A Ridge home is a result of the most modern large-scale production techniques available Each component part ie precision-cut at the Ridge plant then PriCM shown ars for homes sami-constructed on owners lot and include materials appliances and fixtures to completely finish tha interior Local taxes and fraruoartaiinn charges landscaping sidewalks and driveways era not included An example of financing: an amount of $18000 leas tha $100 down payment at an ANNUAL percfntarr hatb of 25 would require fifteen monthly payments of $15001 each and than 177 payments of $18864 Deferred payment price 53548543 (ft aum 0f lh dDwn Jj monthly payments over 16 years) This exact plan not available in Vermont Illinois Maine Kentucky New Jersey and North Carolina However other attractive plana aro Introducing A weak add front through the central Carolinas is influencing the area weather This front will cause the area to have slightly cooler temperatures for the next few days The three-state forecast: SOUTH CAROLINA Partly cloudy skies and cooler temperatures are forecast for the area today through Monday Highs will be in the low 80s with lows in the low 60s tonight Probability of rain is 10 per cent today and tonight GEORGIA Georgia will be partly cloudy and cooler Sunday and Monday Highs will be in the low 80s with lows in the low 60s tonight -f NORTH CAROLINA Sunny mild weather is forecast for Sunday and Monday Highs will be in the upper 70s with lows in the low 60s tonight MOUNTAINS The mountain forecast calls for partly sunny skies and mild temperatures Highs will be in -the 70s with lows in the 50s tonight SC-GA BEACHES Partly 'cloudy and cooler with highs in the middle 80s and lows in the upper 60s tonight 1 dreams into every day RIDGE HOMES Box 1000 Conahohockan Pa Homes jjp niwfewm We turn homes II II RIDGG NAME ADDRESS TOWN HomeMagazinm In the Greenville Ana: HENRY-RIDGE HOMES Wayman Henry 211 South Main St Mauldin 803-288-1139 01 your 64 PB full coior Hiage PHONE Man Arrested A 16-year-old Anderson girl was shot in the shoulda at ha home about 2:30 am Saturday and ha suspected assailant was arrested at Anderson Memorial Hospital shatly after the shooting Frances Elizabeth Sullivan 21 Johns St was listed in fair condition at 10 pm Saturday She suffered a gunshot wound in the right shoulda Milford Horace Adga 18 of RL 2 Bellhaven Circle was in Anderson County Jail Saturday on charges of breaking and entering and assault with intent to kiU STATE Ws own building lot in We'rt looking for a building lot in.

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Anderson Independent from Anderson, South Carolina (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.