Jenny's Odd Adventures - Chapter 39 - StoryGalory (2024)

Chapter Text

"This map doesn’t seem that interesting,” Slimy says, handing back the scrap of papyrus to her chuckling mother. “Oh Slimy, you just don’t have enough imagination! Every dot, line, and speck on a map is something great! Another adventure just waiting for us to find it!” Jenny gushes, eliciting an eye-roll from Slimy. Leaving her wanderlust filled mother to her devices, Slimy wanders off into the forest in search of her other playmates. It’d been a few days since their last “incident,” so the pets were back to their old ways of wandering through the forest and playing their games, leaving their mistress by her lonesome to grind away at her pillow. Jenny happily hums along to an old Minecraft song as she folds up the map, stuffing it into her inventory and hopping off the bed. She’d hoped to go exploring with her daughter today, but it seemed that fate had other plans. Jenny struts over to her closet, her buxom hips swaying side to side as she leisurely tosses aside her pajamas, standing in front of the open closet in all her nude glory. She rifles through some outfits, throwing them this way and that as she covers the floor in clothes before arriving at the perfect specimen.

The baby blue jumpsuit with golden trims around the waist and down the chest was just too nostalgic for her not to choose, especially given the dangerous nature of today’s exploration. Stepping into the skin-tight jumpsuit took some time and a lot of pulling, but it fit like a glove, hugging all the right places and extenuating her busty figure. Running her hands along the fabric, Jenny can feel how tight it is on her skin, a light yet durable cloth that had black cuffs made for defense. Giddy from expectation, Jenny bounces across the room, pulling a few supplies from her tool chest. She knew how these “day trips” usually ended up, and she was already dripping from the thought of what the Red XXX area could hold. Going into the red did have a certain fear factor associated with it, after all, people usually meant going into debt, but in her case, it was an actual place.

And if it meant all she thought it did, Jenny was going to go deep into the red. As deep as she could. She slides some dirt, an iron chest plate, and a stone sword into her Hotbar, bypassing the shovels and pickaxes since she didn’t plan to explore any caves. Strutting outside, Jenny shields her eyes as the sunlight dances through the foliage, illuminating the grassy alcove around her home. She was a little apprehensive about going into danger without her trusty pets to rush to her aid, but this wasn’t anything she hadn’t done before. Sauntering to the waterfall by her house, Jenny aptly swims up the water, head popping out of the water’s surface, brown hair sticking to her neck as she climbs out of the river. Now high above her home, Jenny tentatively glances down the waterfall’s edge, eyeing the sharp drop with some unease before turning to the South.

From what she could see, it was just grassy plains as far as the eye could see, no sights that would mark it as dangerous, or even an offending red color. Strolling further to the South, the surroundings are surprisingly mundane, with some oak trees decorating the horizon. Every now and then she’d come across what she thought was a cave, but ended up being random blocks missing from the floor, most likely an enderman that’d teleported. The minutes drag on as Jenny’s pace slowly increases, eventually coming to a light jog as she continues in a straight-line South. The more she saw of the barren landscape, the more out of breath she got, the tighter the suit felt, and the more miffed she was that someone had marked this area as dangerous with nothing actually here. Stopping, Jenny wipes the sweat from her brow, huffing as she pulls out her map. According to the coordinates, she’d only gone about 500 blocks, then why did her chest feel so tight? Looking down, Jenny’s eyes bulge as she sees how snugly her vault suit hugged her. It’d been tight before, but now it was unbearably so! With some effort, Jenny unzips the front, her squished breasts relishing in the cool air and newfound freedom, like taking off a bra after a long day at work.

Grabbing her mounds, Jenny kneads them in her palms, feeling how heavy the two melons have gotten, and confirming her fears. She’d always had big boobs, but never this big. The two love pillows were engorged, swollen to the size of blocks and pressing on her chest, no wonder she’d been out of breath with these babies squeezed into her suit. It was with this realization that Jenny finally notices the tiny particles emanating from her body, miniscule green particles that blended into the grass, almost unnoticed if it hadn't contrasted with her deep white cleavage. Opening her inventory, she notices a small window in the top left, a simple icon that read Radiated. Pushing down panic, Jenny calmly inspects the status effect, reading the tiny lettering next to the bright yellow and black symbol. You have entered a radiated area; continued exposure will cause more extreme mutations. Departure from area will reverse accumulated mutations. To her relief, it had a ticking timer counting down from 3 seconds, which slowly increased as she watched it. Closing her inventory, Jenny pauses to think. It’d been only a few minutes since she started South, so that meant somewhere along the way she’d entered the dangerous area, which explained her massive mammaries.

Shrugging it off, Jenny continues walking South, holding her tit* like a bundle of boxes to relieve the strain from her back. If this is what the Illager’s map had meant by danger, then it wasn’t all bad, though the area was still boring. Moreover, what was the point of her new assets if there were no mobs around to use them? She hadn’t seen a single mob this entire time, not even a pig, chicken, or sheep. Trudging along the land, Jenny can feel her breasts growing heavier by the minute, slowly increasing in size as time went on. It was becoming difficult to focus on the road with the blue fabric rubbing along her chest. Thankfully, after a few more minutes of walking, her tit* stop growing, but to her chagrin, she could now feel her ass developing, the vault suit tightening around her hips and plentiful ass meat as Jenny accumulated more junk in the trunk, though it was expanding slowly enough that the vault suit just expanded to fit it.

After what feels like an eternity, but was only around 1000 blocks, Jenny comes to a downwards sloping hill that opened up to large expanse of stony flooring. It looked like a mountain top, but with random holes blasted in the stone, like the remains of multiple explosions. In the distance, she could spot an abandoned village, the windows broken and cobwebs replacing most of the rotting wood, but that wasn’t the only thing rotting. Though pretty far away, she could just make out the moving shapes of multiple zombies, hidden away in the decaying homes to avoid the sun. “At least this area wasn't a total bust.” Jenny huffs, eyeing the mob of mobs huddled in the village. Maybe one of them can make use of these babies, or all of them... Jenny thinks to herself. She starts down the hill, but stops when she feels the distinct sound of explosions. Staying silent, she hears it again. Or more accurately, she feels it. A low vibration in the ground that happened every few seconds, and it seemed to be getting louder. With her attention stolen, Jenny makes a beeline toward the noise, the explosions getting louder and louder as she nears the source of the vibration. Now closer, she could feel a distinct difference between the periodic shakes. It was a small, almost silent, thrum followed by a heavy btoom. Was someone using a tnt cannon? Now cautious, Jenny slowly steps towards the sounds, scanning the horizon for danger.

She’s so focused on spotting enemies that she almost stumbles into a massive hole the size of her home, a deep pit with sloping sides of stone, but a surprisingly flat bottom. Doing one last scan of the surroundings, Jenny kneels down to inspect the hole, eyeing the sides with unease and reprieve, she’d been lucky not to fall in, the sloping sides would be difficult to get out of considering her lack of tools. Surrounding the hole is a ring of broken stone and pressed dead grass, likely from the radiation of the area. From up here, the hole seemed about 20 blocks, right along the edge of death, and the ragged uneven sides indicated an unnatural formation, likely from explosions of tnt. On her hands and knees, Jenny can practically feel the vibrations echoing through her body, noticeably more intense than when she’d started. Jenny looks up just in time to see a massive green object rocketing through the sky, losing her balance as she struggles to stand.

One hand slides into the hole, and her body follows, falling headfirst while screaming and drops some items in her struggle to place blocks as she fell. Oof! The landing is ungraceful, painful, but not lethal. Jenny rears from the impact, rolling onto her back as the pain diffuses throughout her entire body, groaning all the while. But upon rolling over, she can’t help but notice a long giraffe-like neck hanging over the edge, covered in green and black spots with two bright red eyes staring directly at her. Jenny’s blood runs cold as she watches it jump high into the air, a familiar thrum echoing around the hole. In her scramble for cover, Jenny drops her dirt blocks, diving into a nook in the wall. Taking cover, Jenny holds her breath as she hears whistling wind, followed by a massive BTOOOM that make her ear’s ring. Jenny flattens to the corner of the hole, desperately whispering I’m a wall, I’m a wall, I’m a wall as she cowers behind a one block fringe, desperately hoping the massive creeper wouldn’t notice her. Holding her breath, Jenny counts down the seconds, one, two, three... Her heart feels like it’s beating out of her chest, too loudly for her to stop it and almost making her heavy tit* bounce.

The seconds feel like hours as Jenny remains glued to the wall, trying to make out any noise other than her labored breathing and the beating of her heart. When she doesn’t hear anything else, Jenny takes a tentative peak around the corner, both relieved and startled by what she sees. Curled up in the center of the hole is none other than the massive green beast she’d seen flying towards her, some kind of... mutant creeper, complete with four gangly green limbs like a spider, and a long thick neck sprouting from its base. Something that huge must have a massive... Jenny shakes the thought from mind, silently resuming her I’m a wall position. What mattered right now wasn’t the throbbing heat in her groin, but the mental power it would take to find a way out of here.

Digging wasn’t gonna work since breaking stone with her fist would take a while, not to mention give away her position. Building could’ve been an option, if she hadn’t thrown out her dirt blocks in the panic, which were now long gone from the explosion. Her last option was to fight the beast, and that was not going to work. All she had in terms of fighting equipment was the iron chest plate, and a stone sword. Even if she managed to get a few hits in, it would only take a few jumps from Mr. Exploder to absolutely destroy her within the narrow hole. Pursing her lips, Jenny takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and think rationally, pushing down the urge to scream and kick like a misbehaving child. She doesn’t show it, but Jenny is flabbergasted at the stroke of luck, or misfortune, that she had stumbled upon the Mutant Creeper’s home just as it was coming home, even after spending so long jogging in one direction.

Peeking around the corner once more, Jenny scans the hole for anything useful. It was stone as far as she could see, with small divots and hollows scattered across the sloping sides. On a good day, she might be able to free climb out of here, but definitely not with her enlarged assets getting in her way. Her thick ass was one thing, but her chest was way too large to hug the wall like she’d need to. Climbing was out too. After looking around the entire hole, her eyes finally land on the Creeper, its massive green frame curled up like a sleeping cat, its comically long head tucked into its hands. Hands? Do Creepers even have hands? Upon closer inspection, it is apparent that there exists no “hands,” but rather a large green palm like an elephant. With no other options of escape, Jenny’s eyes naturally drift to the Creeper’s pelvis, too well hidden for her to make anything out. Though she doesn’t need to with her overactive imagination. Thoughts of the Knightly Creeper that’d “snuck” into her open bedroom come to mind, her puss* lips involuntarily moistening at the memory of his buttpl*g of a co*ck messing up her asshole. If her tit* got bigger from the radiation, she could only imagine what it’d do to the Creeper’s co*ck...

Tearing her eyes away from its nether regions, Jenny continues to scan the area around the Creeper, eventually noticing a block of something floating near its head. Upon closer inspection, it’s a dirt block! She couldn’t make out how many there were without picking it up, but this was her best shot at getting out of this pit. Determined to get out of here, Jenny takes a deep breath and steels her nerves, reluctantly stepping out from the hollow. When nothing explodes, she takes another step, and then another, until she’s tiptoed within arm’s reach. Jenny slowly inhales, quiet and deliberate, carefully breathing through her nose to avoid any unnecessary sound. Deep below the surface, there was no wind, no noise, only the Creeper’s light snoring and Jenny’s labored breathing. The dirt blocks are tantalizingly close, Jenny can almost taste them, not that she actually knew what they tasted like. Stepping into range, the dirt blocks edge toward her, floating across the smooth stone in a normal Minecraft mechanic that filled Jenny with the semblance of hope.

A soft pop sounds as the blocks slide into her hotbar, just loud enough to trigger a slight movement from the Mutant Creeper. Jenny’s breathing hitches as she stares at the mob’s stirring head, the large green block shifting this way, then that, before curling back up. A slow puff of air escapes Jenny’s lips as she calms down, hands shaking from the rush of adrenaline. Maybe it was the silence of the pit, but she hadn’t expected it to be so loud. Now focused on the Creeper, Jenny can’t help but notice how cat-like the giant creature was, almost cute, if not for the imminent threat of detonation. It’s light snoring even resembled that of a cat, with gentle vibrations juxtaposing its previous violent movement method. Before she realizes what she’s doing, one of her hands has reached out and pet its head, an almost scaly, but also soft feeling meeting her hand. She’s surprised when the Creeper nuzzles into her, still asleep and purring loudly now.

Jenny continues to run her hand along the Mob’s blocky head, unsure of what had prompted this response, but not minding the slight relaxation from her tense getaway plan. Jenny’s tempted to try scratching his chin but stops when the Creeper’s head flops to the side, a fleshy pink carpet rolling out. Not to tongue shame, but the Creeper’s definitely wasn’t pretty. It was a grotesquely thick worm of pink flesh, meaty, long, coated in saliva, forked at the tip, and flopping around like a hyperventilating fish looking for water. Gulping down her repulsion, Jenny moves her hand away, stifling a slight cheer of success when the Mutant Creeper doesn’t respond. Turning away, Jenny opens her inventory and does a happy little bounce at what she sees, there was just enough dirt blocks to get her out! Jenny hops in happiness but freezes when she hears a loud Clap! Jenny’s blood runs cold as the sound echoes around the small crater, blatantly resounding against the stone walls and floor. But before she can even wonder where the sound came from, a deceptively small whish is heard before Jenny is slammed to the floor by the Mutant Creeper’s clublike head, instantly passing out as her head hits the literally rock-hard floor.

Jenny comes to a few minutes later, a pounding headache reverberating through the skull. Luckily, it seemed that was the only damage, besides a slight pain in her side. Looking around, the first thing she notices is she’s still in the hole, sadly, though sat against the wall instead of lying on the floor. The next thing she notices is the turned back of the Mutant Creeper, its massive head swaying this way and that as it did... something. She tries to get up, but realizes that her hands are tied together, bound in a loose knot and joined to the wall by a large spike. This was unexpected. Jenny could totally see getting f*cked, getting exploded, or even getting eaten honestly. But being tied to the wall like livestock, her clothes still on her? Never in a million years. Not to mention, where did the Creeper get rope? Moreover, how’d he even manage to tie a knot with his poor excuse for hands?

Tugging at her restraints, Jenny realizes the futility of her plight as the rough material digs into her wrists, just tight enough to be uncomfortable if she tried to escape. Well, no time like the present. “Ahem. Mr... Creeper?” Jenny calmly asks, unsure of why she was being so formal. The Mutant Creeper’s massive frame turns to her, its bright red eyes staring into Jenny’s soul and bringing to mind a popular pop song as she prepares for the worst. As it stalked closer, Jenny realizes how small she is compared to it, a tiny human female vs the massive green monstrosity. It was obvious who would win, especially if one of them was acclimated to being used as a cumdump by the very monsters she was supposed to slay. To her surprise, it doesn’t swallow her in one gulp like she feared, but worse. It’s sniffing her. Like a cat smelling its prey, the Mutant Creeper prowls around her, staring up and down Jenny’s voluptuous frame as her scent was inhaled like cocaine.

Jenny can’t hide her repulsion when its long throbbing tongue snakes out at her, visibly recoiling as the spit dripping appendage caresses her cheek in a way she could only describe as lovingly. Acclimating to the soggy feeling of its tongue on her cheek, Jenny slowly stops leaning away, mentally projecting a cat onto the Mutant Creeper to tolerate the grotesque looking tongue. But just as she gets used to the tongue grazing her cheek, it slides down further. “Hey! What are you- HAHAHHA" Jenny can’t help but burst into laughter as the Creeper’s tongue dives into the front of her suit, the open zipper providing easy access to her bare skin and ticklish sides. She howls in laughter as his tongue creeps and licks her ribcage, tears coming to her eyes as she gasps for air and pleads for him to stop, which he does not. An involuntary moan escapes her lips as his rough tongue slides across her nipples, dragging along them in a deliciously slow nuzzle that sent shivers down her spine. Only once the entire front and back of her torso is soaked in his juice does Jenny get some rest. She pants from exertion, cursing her ticklish ribs and face burning from humiliation at moaning from his assault.

The Creeper slowly retracts his tongue, leaving Jenny in a gasping mess of saliva. Rolling his tongue around in his mouth as he savors her scent, the Creeper can taste something strange on her, a hint of lavender, some honey, dirt, but most strong is the flavor of something foreign, unfamiliar and raw. Despite the large variety of things he’d tasted in his lifetime, this was something new, exotic and enticing, something about the taste stirred something in him he hadn't felt in ages. Lust. Eyeing the buxom beauty from head to toe, he can’t ignore just how busty she was, and the tight blue suit she wore did nothing but extenuate her curvature. She was practically asking to be assaulted with her open front, the suit only deepening the enticing white valley between her breasts. He can feel the weapon between his legs throbbing to life as he stared, already imagining the sight of her bottom jiggling as he slammed his thick rod into her again and again. But this petite human female needed to be prepared, or else he’d wreck his newfound plaything.

When he slides his tongue out once more, now dripping in a fresh coat of saliva, Jenny noticeably flinches, not exactly keen on another hellish tickle bath. But instead of licking her, the tongue slides toward her middle and curls around her waist before snaking up her chest to wrap around a single tit. The thick meat rod pulses between her tit*, pointing at her face as it begins to pump in and out of her cleavage. Jenny’s eyes close as his tongue tightens around her waist and tit, squeezing lightly until she arches her back, giving him more titty meat to work his co*ck tongue between, not to mention the girth around her tit slowly undulating, milking it like a cow’s udder. Jenny holds back a moan, her expanded cow tit* sensitive and swollen with need, but unwilling to submit to the monster’s assault. His tongue continues thrusting in and out of her cleavage in a slow and steady barrage, plastering her front side in spit that dripped down her vault suit. Her heavy boobs bounce and ripple from each thrust, each jiggle sending waves of pleasure through Jenny’s body.

He was squeezing her tit with gentle precise movements, just light enough not to hurt, but hard enough to leave her wanting more. Though she mentally resisted, her body was betraying her, building up a heat in her loins and dripping down her thighs, darkening the blue between her legs. With a sudden flourish, the tongue tentacle around her tit squeezes hard enough to draw milk, sending Jenny crashing into a body wracking org*sm. Unable to hold back, Jenny clenches her legs together as the org*sm shakes her body, eyes fluttering open as she came hard, his co*ck tongue continuing to f*ck her tit* relentlessly. In a moment of post-org*sm weakness, Jenny reflexively opens her mouth to moan, and the Creeper’s co*ck tongue slams in, wrestling its way into her mouth and grappling with her own in a futile struggle for dominance. It was obvious which would win between the Creeper’s girthy co*ck tongue made for f*cking, and Jenny’s soft delicate tongue made for licking co*ck.

All inhibition lost, Jenny moans like a wanton whor* as her tit* and mouth are defiled, desperately humping the air as she French kissed the Creeper’s amaz- grotesque co*ck tongue. Jenny automatically laps at the underside of his tongue co*ck, her instincts taking over as her head bobs up and down the fat pulsing member between her now lactating tit*, cheeks hollowing as she sucks it for a reward that wouldn’t come. In what can only be described as carnal lust, the co*ck tongue pulls free of Jenny’s vacuum mouth, slapping against her pursed co*ck sucking lips and leaving a thick gob of saliva on her cheek. The co*ck tongue frees itself from around Jenny’s waist, giving her some time to realize what she’d just did. “Huff, Huff. You just... I just...” Jenny is speechless at her dirty actions, eyes hooded as she processes the fact that she’d just made out with the Mutant Creeper’s grotesque saliva coated tongue, hungrily swallowing the disgusting saliva that it was secreting like precum.

Cognitive dissonance is a term used for the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. In this case, Jenny is experiencing conflict between her obvious repulsion to the fleshy meat tongue, and her behavior of lovingly sucking on it. Dissonance is commonly alleviated by changing one of the factors, and Jenny chooses the third option: changing the relationship between the factors. The radiation must be affecting my mind too! Jenny obstinately decides that the radiation must be causing her to love anything she touches, despite the lack of evidence. But once she’s committed to the part, she wholeheartedly assumes the role of Mutant whor*, nothing new to her. Through lust hooded eyes, Jenny humps the air, eyeing the Creeper’s disgustingly thick throbbing tongue, practically begging for it to sate the fire in her loins.

Happy to oblige, the Creeper’s monstrous appendage creeps around Jenny’s waist once more, pulling and stretching the jumpsuit until Jenny’s moist pink puss* is visible. A part of Jenny’s brain protests at the stretching fabric, wary of tears in her outfit, but the majority of her brain is secreting dopamine, reinforcing the reward pathway for getting f*cked until she went braindead. “Mmmmmm, slide that thing deep into me...” Jenny whispers out to no one in particular, ecstatic when the Creeper’s tongue begins to rub itself along her cl*t. Pleasurable waves echo from her pleasure sensor as his tongue bombards it incessantly, using it as a joystick to move her body this way and that. Another climax works its way through Jenny as his thick tongue slides in, the forked tip tickling her outer lips and spreading it wide. Thin at the tip but thick along the body, Jenny clenches down on his tongue as it dives deep, twisting this way and that in a show of dexterity and pleasure that left no inch of her insides untouched. The unfamiliar taste from earlier floods his taste buds as he penetrates her plump puss*, licking up every bit of the addicting substance only for more to come out from deeper within. Jenny whimpers in pleasure as his co*ck tongue burrows into her womb, easily flexing open her cervix and twisting and wriggling against her uterine walls like a snake.

Even after the tip reaches Jenny’s womb, more and more tongue continues pouring in, contorting on itself to fit as many inches as it can. Jenny climaxes countless times as she’s filled with inch after inch of his girthy tongue, what seemed like an impossible length pouring out of the Mutant Creeper’s mouth and flooding her tight puss*. org*sm after org*sm rocks through Jenny’s body, her stomach bloating like a beach ball from getting tongue f*cked by countless inches, the snake-like tongue eliciting climax after climax with each flex and prod of her inner sanctum. Even through her pleasure high, Jenny looks down at her swollen stomach, each line of the curled-up tongue clearly visible on her abdomen, like a nest of snakes had made her puss* their home. Moreover, her baby feeders were now secreting a steady stream of milk, dripping from her nipples in rivers and pooling between her thick white thighs.

Ordinarily, she’d be worried about what this meant for her fertility, since lactation usually only occurs during pregnancy, or from nipple overstimulation, but the thoughts are quickly buried when the Creeper finally runs out of tongue, layer upon layer of his co*ck tongue poured into Jenny, his head mashed up against her puss* lips. Half due to maximizing penetration, half due to Jenny’s convulsing legs wrapped around the back of his head. When Jenny thinks it can’t get any better than this, the Creeper begins purring, vibrating inside her as it flexed and coiled on itself, unintentionally expanding her womb and sending her into another round of org*sms as it searched for more raw girl juice, which Jenny happily supplied with each mind breaking org*sm. Besides the overall vibrating and expanding inside her, what really drove Jenny crazy was the feeling of his forked tip tickling her uterine wall randomly, giving no way for Jenny to get used to org*sm, making each and every one as explosive and pleasurable as the last. At least this explained how he had tied the knot around her hands, his tongue was basically a hand!

The pit that was home to the Mutant Creeper has become a love den for Jenny, a sex pit of countless org*sms as she howled and moaned from ecstasy, numerous org*sms eating away at her logical thought until only one desire remains: Cum. Even through all this stimulation, Jenny can’t help but yearn for it. She couldn’t describe in words the otherworldly ecstasy that came from climaxing back to back with no rest, but there was just something about a happy ending with gallon upon gallon of warm goopy sperm flooding her insides that completed the experience. “W-wait!” Jenny gasped out between convulsions, eliciting a questioning look from the Mutant Creeper, though he knew exactly what she wanted. The Mutant Creeper slows his tongue, letting it relax a bit as Jenny catches her breath. “I, uh, want you to feel good too...” Jenny whispers out, her cheeks reddening as the words slip out of her. The Creeper is quick to feign confusion, co*cking his head to the side to give a questioning look, purposefully twisting his tongue co*ck a bit to tease the tiny female.

She moans a little from the stimulation, her thought process derailed for a moment before getting back on track. “Um, I, uh, want your co*ck...” She whispers, puss* trembling and face burning as she swears the Creeper smiles at her. Jenny mutters a soft sorry as she delicately unwraps her legs from around his head, unaware of when her legs had wrapped so tightly around him. For a moment, Jenny thinks he doesn’t know what she means, but tightens up as the Mutant begins removing his tongue, the long fleshy appendage slowly slides out like an anaconda that’s filled its belly. Or in this case, to catch an even bigger prey. Jenny moans and whimpers from his org*smic sluggish exit, the rough edges brushing by just fast enough to make her swoon with pleasure, but slow enough to prevent any climax, just leaving her longing for more. Her bottom desperately thrashes about, frantically aching for just a little bit more friction, but gets none with the co*ck tongue following her every move to prevent any more or less friction than optimal.

The Creeper teases Jenny all the way out, her animalistic grunts of lust combined with her desperate humping of the air made for a perfect visual appetizer, prepping his already hard co*ck for the main course. Almost like magic, or a purposeful plot point, a light drizzle begins, sprinkling little bits of moisture onto the captivated pair. With a flamboyant flourish, the Creeper’s thick tongue slithers out, shaking off a mist made from saliva, milk, and girl cum. Jenny is left sitting against the wall, her mammaries bouncing and nipples leaking as she twitches with erratic pleasure, eyes unfocused and staring into space, simply relishing the afterglow of multiple org*sms and the slight wetness sprinkling across her body. When the Creeper’s tongue slides closer again, Jenny compulsively whimpers from pleasure, her puss* twitching and nubs spurting milk as she prepared for another round of oral pillaging, but is met instead with a freeing feeling from her hands.

“Oh, uh thanks.” Jenny says hesitantly as she rubs her sore wrists, her eyes widening when the Mutant Creeper gives a little purr and nuzzles her with its scaly head. Always the bubbly lover, Jenny happily hugs it back, smiling as the Creeper’s massive head gives a little, almost like a pillow pet. Unsurprisingly, the Creeper is buried in Jenny’s tit*, essentially motorboating her enlarged cleavage while slurping up the breast milk from the source, but Jenny just enjoys the faux cuddling for the moment. His soft scaly head radiated heat like an old fridge, providing warmth in the cold rain, but she can’t help but sneeze from the cold rain. She feels the Creeper freeze up from the sudden explosion of noise, ironic given the loud nature of its landings, but cute nonetheless. Just as Jenny’s about to suggest finding a nearby cave to hide in, the Creeper pulls away, standing up on its hind legs and slamming its front feet onto the rocky wall behind her.

Now hidden from the rain by his massive green frame, Jenny would’ve said thank you, if not for the distraction that was his thick slab of throbbing co*ck meat slapping itself against her face. Jenny is speechless at the sight of his massive member, the long shlong pulsating as it rested on her cheek. Frozen with shock and excited by awe, Jenny can’t take her eyes off the magnificent specimen, a vibrant green with little speckles of black dotted across its surface. The monstrous bitch breaker easily shadowed her face, throbbing against her mouth and nose with pleasant little pulses. Pointed to the sky as it leaned on Jenny’s face, the pointy tip leaks a steady stream of gooey precum, some dripping onto Jenny with each throb, but most of the thick spooge simply trickles down his length, lubricating his shaft and dribbling into Jenny’s cleavage.

Finally stirring from her co*ck daze, she begins by wrapping her arms around his co*ck, the beating shaft nestled snugly between her bulging cow tit* in a co*ck meat sandwich complete with gelatinous titty bread and tit milk mayonnaise. With his co*ck between her tit*, one thing is apparent, he was THICK, supernaturally so. The tip and base of his co*ck were similar to the other Creeper’s, thin, but the middle wasn’t just "thick.” It was firm, it was massive, it was heavy. But more than that, what she had thought was color palate was actually bone. The entire length was covered in black protrusions, rough and bony, like an ugly pickle. Though the entire middle was engulfed in boob valley, she could feel them rub against her, and she could clearly see the nubs along his dripping co*ck head. When the Mutant Creeper gives an impatient hump, Jenny rolls her eyes, but starts nonetheless. Tantalizingly slowly, Jenny begins moving her arms up and down, her heavy milk jugs following in a jiggling wave of white boob flesh.

Jenny can’t help but smirk a little as she hears the Creeper purr its approval, his overweight member spurting out some more precum. Jenny knew exactly how pleasure inducing a fat set of tit* could be, after all, she’d f*cked Slimy’s before, but she could only imagine how great it must feel to get a boob job from enlarged breasts, especially with the added sensitivity from radiation. Globs of precum drip down his shaft as Jenny continues her assault, bounce after bounce jerking off his thick beastly member, the ejected sex fluid only further lubricating Jenny’s expert titf*ck. Even shielded from the rain, Jenny can’t help but get wet, just the thought of how deep his juicy bulbous buttpl*g of a co*ck would penetrate had her on the urge of org*sm, but one thing did worry her. How likely was he to knock her up? With each methodical jerk, Jenny’s eyes naturally drift toward his base, if his co*ck had gotten this massive, then what about his balls?

Her mouth waters as she fixates on the set of heavy coconuts dangling between his legs, the dark green pouch swollen with seed. Despite their no doubt hefty weight, the two orbs sit close to his body, like bowling balls before a strike, and Jenny was planning on a turkey, at the very least. Reigning back her libido-fueled thoughts, Jenny contemplates the viability of impregnation. They were obviously different species, and she’d taken a creeper creampie before, though anally, without any complications. However, the radiation may have caused a significant amount of changes to its genome, not to mention her increased fertility. Jenny’s eyebrows burrow in thought, maintaining a steady pace of up and down and up and down as her tit* jiggled along his thick co*ck shaft, a mix of precum and milk lubricating the co*cksleeve that was her cleavage. Thinking hard, the only explanation that Jenny could think of was that the radiation effect was getting worse, the lactation an extreme side effect of her prolonged exposure.

“Man, I need to get out of here before I grow a third leg or something.” Jenny mutters, refocusing her efforts on the Creeper’s enlarged baby maker. With his co*ck this close, Jenny couldn’t help but breathe in its dirty scent, the musk of beastly pheromones making her nipples tingle with delight. I can spare a taste of his sperm before I leave... She absentmindedly thinks, unknowing that this one decision would cost her. The minutes pass by slowly as the Mutant Creeper’s green member quivers and throbs under Jenny’s white tit embrace, unconsciously nibbling on her bottom lip as all her attention is directed at pleasuring his burly co*ck meat, each passing second flooding her nostrils and brain with sex pheromones that drove her puss* wild. Whiff after whiff of his intoxicating co*ck perfume overpowers Jenny will, leaning in until her face is right up against his throbbing shaft, nuzzling the co*ck shaft as she inhaled his addictive scent and coddled his juicy co*ck meat.

“Mmmmm, you smell so good...” Jenny whispers, eyes glazed and mouth drooling as she swoons over her newfound monstrous lover. Attached to his shaft like glue, she can’t help rub her cheek along his bulbous meat as she takes small licks along it, running the thick precum around in her mouth before swallowing to savor the flavor, but her favorite was the tiny black nubs sprinkled along the body. Spongy black bone bumps that gave when she nibbled on them, like balls of jelly whose roughness added texture to her delicious co*ck milk smoothie. She could feel the twitching of his co*ck begging for release, an inordinate amount of precum gushing from his co*ck head and leaking into her cleavage. Jenny’s long licks along the underside of his shaft along with her tight co*cksleeve cleavage were doing the trick, both traveling up and down his co*ck shaft in long pleasure inducing strokes that milked his co*ck for the creamy serving she craved.

“Come on, give me that thick load you monster. Don’t you want to see me covered in your baby batter?” Jenny breathes out, licking her lips as she plants a sloppy kiss on his co*ck. But other than slight twinges from his beastly member, the Creeper makes no other movement. Concentrating on hugging his co*ck between her tit*, Jenny can’t help but applaud the beast’s willpower, any of her pets would’ve been f*cking her tit* with their entire being after this long, yet the Creeper had barely moved. Not a hump, jerk, or even thrust since she began. Craning her neck, Jenny just barely looks past his massive frame and sees the Creeper’s head far above them, stretched up with eyes closed as the rainwater drizzled down his neck and down his back. Wow, he looks so... peaceful.

For a moment, Jenny feels bad for using his co*ck to sate her lust, but then remembers that he’s just using her as a fleshy f*cktoy. Thinking, multiple methods for extracting his hot load come to mind, but one stands out among the others as deviously enjoyable. Smacking her lips, Jenny whistles at the beast, his eyes opening and swiveling around like a lighthouse before landing on her. Curling down like a snake in a canopy, the Creeper bends downwards until he hovers over Jenny, genuinely confused when Jenny opens her mouth. “Ahhhhhhhh,” Jenny sings, eyes closed as she awaits her reward, slightly annoyed when none comes. Jenny, in the misunderstanding of the century, speeds up her jerks, eyebrows furrowing and mouth pouting as she punishes the Creeper’s insurrection. His purring changes to a high-pitched hiss as he holds back from climaxing, the sudden speed up unexpected but not unwelcome. Just as soon as it began, Jenny slows down again, the Creeper returning to a low purr with the speed adjustment, thankful for the rest. But he’s less thankful when Jenny opens her mouth again, repeating the same “Ahhhhhhh,” from before, again being met with a sudden speed increase when all he does is stare at her.

His willpower waning, the Mutant Creeper wracks his prehistoric brain for answers, time freezing as Jenny repeats her strange oral ritual. The seconds pass in slow motion as Jenny’s eyebrows begin to angle down in anger, the Creeper scours his brain for what exactly her open mouth was supposed to mean. With time running out, and stress rising, his hormone filled mind jumps to the only thing he can think of to do for a wet and waiting hole. With seconds to spare, his co*ck tongue slides in, wrestling with Jenny’s in a French kiss for survival. The Creeper relaxes a little when her face twists in pleasure, leaning in to the otherworldly make out session as she deepthroats her new lover’s thick tongue co*ck. For a moment, the Creeper celebrates his success, Jenny continuing her slow but deliberate titf*ck while choking down his co*ck tongue. But he curses his luck when Jenny still speeds up her strokes, the Mutant Creeper’s purr becoming a low growl as his co*ck throbs faster, jets of precum spewing from his overstimulated co*ck head.

Well, if failure and success meant the same outcome, then he might as well just stop holding back. Jenny smiles devilishly as the Creeper begins pumping his hips, his throbbing monster member pulsing like an engine as he begins to savagely titf*ck Jenny’s bubbly breasts, sending ripples across her soft white flesh and milk spewing from her sensitive nipples. Mmmm, that’s more like it. f*ck my tit*. Explode on them. I want a fresh coat of white gunk all over my face. Jenny thinks, speeding up her bounces to match his frenzied thrusts. The Creeper pounds his slab of co*ck meat in and out of her deep cleavage as Jenny hungrily sucks on his co*ck tongue, voraciously slurping down the sweet saliva as he prepared to bury her under a thick coat of baby batter. Jenny unashamedly moans into her deep kiss as she relishes the feeling of his tongue co*ck buried in her throat, her previous repulsion at the deformed fleshy organ completely forgotten, replaced with erotic pleasure. She gags in pleasure as bits of spit ooze from her lips, utterly co*ck drunk as she titf*cks his bumpy co*ck shaft. As the twitches of his co*ck grow more frequent, Jenny bounces faster, each thrust and bounce sending waves of flesh through her radiation inflated breasts.

With a loud grunt, the Mutant Creeper pulls back his co*ck and slams it home, the pointed head slapping against Jenny’s cheek as it starts to cum, hundreds of ropes of milky white fluid spurting from his co*ck in streaks. The first wave of cum fluid splashes directly on Jenny’s face, the thin cum sliding down her face and into her cleavage like water pouring down a funnel. Jenny hurriedly spits out his co*ck tongue, sorry for leaving it so abruptly, but desperate to get a fresh taste of his cum. Shot after shot of watery white cum gushes from his tip, a few lucky shots landing directly in her mouth, and the others her clavicle. Multiple shots rain over Jenny’s face, her eyes closed as she feels the runny sperm flow down her face and body. Well this is... unexpected. With how big his co*ck and balls had gotten, she’d expected some thick sperm made to drench some ovaries, not this seminal fluid that barely stuck to her face. A seemingly endless stream of thin milky white cum pours onto her in waves, more similar in consistency to the falling rain than something ejacul*ted by the massive green beast before her. Is this a side effect of the Radiation? Or was this Creeper special?

co*cking an eyebrow, Jenny can’t help but wonder what kind of lame mutation would lead to the runny cum he was ejecting now. Nonetheless, Jenny accepts it all, mouth open and tongue hanging as she graciously takes shot after shot of watery cum spurts. Brmmmmmmmmmm. Just as the cum flow begins to ebb, the Mutant Creeper’s co*ck begins to vibrate like a motor! As Jenny stares in disbelief, his heavy nutsa*ck distends from his body, now hanging inches from the ground, and swelling with what Jenny can only imagine is thick gelatinous sperm. Acting quickly, Jenny stands up, making sure to keep his co*ck buried in his cleavage as she lines up his co*ck head to her drooling mouth. With no warning, rope after rope of viscous white jelly erupts from the head of his co*ck, shot after shot of concentrated sperm dousing Jenny’s open mouth and cheeks with load after load of mutated Creeper cum. Each payload of baby batter slaps onto her like a fat co*ck shaft, smothering Jenny in his fertile thick swimmers, painting and repainting the canvas that was her sweet f*ckable face.

Slimy gobs of his sperm drip down Jenny’s face and chin, drowning her top half in a veil of deliciously thick spunk that oozed and spoozed along her clavicle and down her ample breast meat. If the runny sperm had been ejecting for minutes, then his co*ck had spewed thick cum for hours, what felt like an eternity had passed as Jenny attended a literal baby shower, the Mutant Creeper’s heavy nuts clenching up into its body as it squeezed out every last drop of his sex juice. And at the end of it all is our lovely protagonist Jenny, joyfully getting caked in layer upon layer of his thick baby batter with eyes closed and a mind broken expression, though you can’t see it through the cum coats. With a few more lucky spurts from his co*ck, the Mutant Creeper’s hefty co*ck deflates, landing in a weakened state in the infirmary that was Jenny’s bountiful cleavage, which was more than adequate to nurse it back to full health, especially in its inflated form.

A shroud of white envelops Jenny’s entire front, coating her face, tit*, and even a thin line down her stomach from cum that’d slipped through her cleavage, like an arrow pointing to where she wanted it. Like a white marble statue, Jenny is frozen against the cum splattered pit wall, the only sign that she was alive her open mouth, empty after swallowing what could only be gallons of his cum, though the strings of sperm hanging from her chin showed how much she’d missed. Now covered in multiple layers of thick & sticky mob cum, Jenny finally begins to understand what had penetrated the Mutant Creeper’s radiated genome. In a genetic nightmare for most, but a godsend for Jenny, bits of pig DNA, or something similar, had infiltrated the Creeper’s in an evolutionary home run.

Though it was hard to tell exactly which of the two in the sex pit was the pig, the green Mutated Creeper, or the clear skinned female coated in its sperm, huffing out hot breaths of air like a true piggy cum slu*t as a steady stream of puss* juice streamed down her thigh, only adding to the pile of sex residue beneath her. The two-stage climax was strikingly similar to a pig’s, the first stage of milky white seminal fluid followed by a tsunami of thick goopy baby batter was meant to maximize the chance of Jen-, I mean, a female’s pregnancy. The first wave would flood the system with thin watery seminal fluid, increasing surface area as it filled and stretched the womb for the second larger dose of thick goopy pig cum, an evolutionarily supported process that ensured the knocking up of said female. Tongue hanging out like a piggy slu*t, Jenny simply moans in ecstasy as she relives the memory of thick ropes of Creeper cum pouring into and onto her, thoughts of what it'd feel like to be pumped full by his lovingly huge mutated bitch breaker filling her mind and mental womb.

Just one creampie couldn’t hurt... Jenny succumbs, taking a huge gulp of air as she sinks deeper into depravity. “Th- thank you mas-” Reduced to nothing more than the Mutant Creeper’s submissive f*cktoy, Jenny begins to express her gratitude, but gets distracted by the familiar feeling of his erect co*ck throbbing back to life within her cum covered boobs. Enveloping his co*ck in her soft breast meat, Jenny gives his lower half a massive bear hug, wrapping her arms around his wide middle (but not all of it) as she rubs her face against his soft co*ck head. Jenny takes a deep sniff of his distinct sexual odor, eyes unfocused as she begins to plant small kisses up the underside of his throbbing meat pole. Reaching the tip, Jenny hungrily latches on, sucking out the last bits of cum as she caresses his fat co*ck between her jiggly cow tit*. Releasing his co*ck with a loud pop, Jenny is quick to spit obscenities, now wholly in her element and eager to continue their lewd play date.

“Thanks for the meal, but I’m already eyeing dessert~” Her promise to leave soon completely forgotten, Jenny plants one last sloppy kiss on the Creeper’s pointy co*ck head, then takes one long lick down his shaft, stopping only when she’s kneeled on the ground. Swinging around, Jenny lays down on her back, his fat co*ck planted square in boob valley and already dripping delicious precum. “Meatballs are a little much for dessert, but I’ll make room,” Jenny quips, craning her neck to suckle on his hefty ball sack, now half retracted into his body. With nothing but cumming a second time on his mind, the Mutant Creeper begins to take fast short jerks, each rapid thrust sending ripples through Jenny’s cum stained cleavage as precum dribbled onto her stomach. Jenny's mouth is stuck to his cum-filled balls like a leech, sucking and licking his heavy ball sack like it was the only food in the world for her as he the Creeper savagely rut her breasts.

Bits of thick gooey cum splash off her tit* as the Creeper f*cks them like a wild animal, Jenny’s hands pressing them together to create a fleshy co*cksleeve for him to reglaze with his viscous baby batter. Jenny moans loudly as she slurps and sucks on his heavy nuts, the reverse titf*ck giving her open access to eat his balls. Though he was thrusting now, unlike before, Jenny’s mouth wasn’t there to add stimulus to his co*ck, but always the thoughtful c*mslu*t, Jenny has already thought of a solution. Using her core and butt muscles, Jenny does a bridge upwards with her shoulders to the ground. With the increased angle, his fat breeding tool now pierces her ample cleavage only to rub the sensitive co*ck head against Jenny’s flat stomach, the added stimulation just enough for the Mutant Creeper to speed up his thrusts, his balls drooping low as his radiated body prepared to unload a second helping of steaming Creeper cum. It’s a welcome surprise when Jenny feels his prehensile co*ck tongue slide into her puss*, thrusting in and out with in pleasure inducing schlick schlick schlick. With each thrust, Jenny’s ample cleavage jiggles in waves, his thick pulsing meat pole pounding in and out with rippling thrusts.

Jenny hungrily licks and sucks on his heavy cum-filled ball sack, the weighty testicl*s slapping against her face with each thrust. Jenny buries her face in his drooping nuts as they repeatedly flop against her face, leaving little love marks along the soft pouch of baby batter. Jenny loudly moans as she climaxes again, going cross-eyed as one of his nuts pops free from her moaning mouth. “God yes! Stick that tongue deeeeeeep,” Jenny slurs, her tongue lolling out to absentmindedly lick at his sagging jewel pouch. Some of his willpower regained, the Mutant Creeper tries to slow his thrusts as his co*ck begins to dribble precum from the tip, the pointed tip dripping thick gobs along Jenny’s abdomen and cleavage. Unfortunately, Jenny gives him no chance. Just as he slows his thrusts, Jenny speeds up her lewd titf*ck, the sound of skin on skin echoing loudly around the sex pit as her arms pin together, the Creeper’s massive co*ck getting caught in a flood of soft titty flesh that refused to let go. Every jerk sends butterflies through him, the cum in his balls just begging for release as they surge toward his overflowing co*ck head. With a flourish, the Creeper pulls out his hefty breeding tool, the tip jumping free from Jenny’s seductively deep cleavage and splashing man juice all over her tit* and face.

Jenny happily hands her mouth open, her tongue stretched out as she takes in his watery genetic material, mere appetizer for the main course. But the Creeper has some ideas of his own. Just as the first stage of his cum co*cktail begins, he slams his shivering co*ck head into Jenny’s gaping mouth! Unprepared for the oral attack, Jenny gags as the first ropes of watery cum spurt into her throat, his bulbous meat shaft pressing her jaw wide open as she chokes down the cum sample, a heavier load on the way. Jenny’s cheeks bulge as she struggles to swallow the tsunami of watery sperm flooding her mouth, not able to relax her throat with his co*ck tongue giving her constant mini org*sms. With a loud cough, jets of thin nut smoothie jet from the corners of her mouth, his bulbous co*ck shaft too big for Jenny to swallow completely. Just as his heavy nutsa*ck swells with the second wave of thick viscous cum, Jenny shoves him!

Drowning in his sperm, the threat of drowning in Creeper Cum giving Jenny the surge of strength she needs to push him off, his massive frame tottering before regaining balance. Coughing up her lungs, along with what could only be liters of precum, Jenny gasps for air as she clutches her throat, taking huge gulps of air as she recomposes herself. She swivels to the Mutant to give him a piece of her mind but stops when she sees his curled-up form, cradling his heaving nutsa*ck swollen with fertile swimmers as his hot and throbbing co*ck yearned for release. Her anger changes to apology as Jenny winces at his plight, having accidentally blue balled the poor mob. “Awww, come here you big softy,” Jenny purrs out, throwing her cum stained vault suit into a corner as she beckons the Creeper, laying back and spreading her legs to reveal her glistening puss* lips. Seeing the little flesh sleeve act submissive again, the Mutant Creeper rockets to her, a primitive need taking over his mind as he lines up his meaty member to Jenny’s puffy lips. “Woah woah woah! Wrong place bud!” Jenny alarmingly states, scooting back as he humps the place where her honey pot had been, ejecting a few ropes of precum onto her exposed stomach.

Jumping forward in search of release, the Mutant Creeper realigns his trembling breeding tool to Jenny’s puss*, the pointy co*ck head tickling her cl*t. Jenny shivers in delight, but nonetheless places a hand over her dripping wet puss*, the Creeper’s thrust missing his opportunity by a few seconds. “Jeez! I’m sorry about your balls, but your too big for me!” Jenny moans out, the voice in the back of her mind begging for her to try. But her frontal cortex is adamant, pushing his co*ck up and trapping it between her pudgy thighs. With his breeding instincts taking over, the Mutant Creeper begins anew, his sensitive pulsating co*ck shaft begging for release as he fervently f*cked Jenny’s fleshy thighs. Spurts of precum erupt from his co*ck, unable to stop the flow as his hips jerk back and forth, jerking himself off using Jenny’s ample thigh meat, the two legs striking a perfect ratio between soft f*ckable fat and solid muscle. Like a pseudo puss*, the Mutant Creeper zealously pounds away at Jenny’s plump and meaty thighs, religiously f*cking the little sleeve into submission.

With his bulging co*ck shaft pinned between her legs, Jenny can’t help but shiver and moan with each thrust, his hefty swollen balls plapping up against her winking asshole, already lubed up with puss* juice from above. Even laid back, his massive member is right in her face, the pointy tip rubbing against her stomach to poke at her jiggly boobs. Using her hands, Jenny could stimulate his co*ck tip and shaft as it came through her legs, flexing her inguinal muscles to keep the thigh-made co*cksleeve tight and f*ckable. With all this stimulation, it was impossible for the Creeper to hold back from cumming his brains out, but what worried Jenny was where it would go. At first, a cum shower had been the obvious choice since it wouldn’t fit in her puss*, and the enormous size would leave her unable to walk if he used her asshole. But the problem was that Jenny had forgotten about the small black nubs strewn across the Mutant Creeper’s bulbous co*ck shaft. An unintended consequence of her tight thigh job was that she could feel every bump and nudge of his co*ck nubs, which just so happened to be rubbing against her super sensitive cl*t.

The touchy little flesh bit, innervated by thousands of pleasure sensors, which were bombarding her brain with wave after wave of pleasure induced spikes in brain activity, followed by a lull to compensate. With each ecstatically pleasing onslaught on her cl*t, which happened multiple times with each thrust, Jenny’s mental decision-making ability was subdued. Taking with it her ability to recognize what could, and what couldn’t, fit inside her. I mean, it does LOOK huge. So Deliciously huge... But maybe I could just... stretch? Jenny of the past would facepalm if she could, but her hands were too preoccupied with lovingly stroking the Creeper’s fleshy co*ck head as it came through her thighs. Her delicate fingertips dance across his head and shaft as it used her thighs as its f*cktoy, eagerly erupting ropes of precum and watery sem*n as it’s nuts overflowed with produced baby batter. Maybe... I was wrong? I didn’t really try with the Creeper last time, I just judged... And what do they say about that? Don’t judge a book by its cover. Chewing on her bottom lip, intrusive thoughts barrage her mind, slowly pushing her decision-making arrow towards trying it out, even if his massive engorged co*ck shaft looked too big for her puss*, and ass for that matter. Just as his heavy nutsa*ck begins to swell with virile Creeper seed, Jenny, feeling the swell with her battered asshole, swivels around to her hands and knees, his fat meat pole slapped between her ass cheeks.

Leaning onto her shoulders, Jenny reaches back and spreads her asshole for him to empty into, tongue in cheek as she physically begs him for a load up her ass. “Mmm, please go sl-” Jenny screams in pleasure as he slams his throbbing f*ck pole deep into her ass, giving Jenny a chain reaction of org*sms as he violently pounds away at her aching butthole, climax after climax eating away at Jenny as she’s anally ravaged. Spread open by his pointed co*ck head, his fat meat shaft penetrates deeper and deeper on each successive slam, Jenny’s tight asshole resisting, but getting progressively stretched open by his bulbous co*ck shaft. “Go- Wai- Unff- I'-” Jenny blurts out, trying to speak, but her words getting cut off each time his massive meat pole got buried in her buttocks. Arms having given out, Jenny lays crumpled against the ground as her ass gets wrecked by the Mutant Creeper’s magnificent member, battering its way in and forcing her to relax. Collapsed on the floor, ass up and face down, Jenny is nothing more than the Creeper’s f*cktoy for him to use and abuse, smashing his long co*ck shaft into Jenny’s gaping asshole.

Moaning like a wanton whor*, Jenny is on cloud nine, face twisted in pleasure as he abuses her butt, pounding away at her ass as obscene noises echo through the pit. Jenny’s stomach slowly begins to distend as he pushes his co*ck deeper, each thrust opening up her asshole a little more, treating it like a portable fleshy onahole that clenched down on his girthy shaft on each penetration. With a loud growl from the Creeper, and a low mewl from Jenny, the Mutant finally squeezes in his entire girth, bottoming out inside Jenny as his heaving ball sack nuzzles up to Jenny’s cum splattered puss*. Now completely in, the Mutant Creeper slows down his pace, taking long slow exits followed by a loud squelch as he sheathed his fat creeper co*ck inside her in one deep thrust. Jenny c*ms nonstop as her asshole is f*cked into submission, each calculated thrust utterly destroying her insides as her stomach bulged outwards to make room for his bulbous bitch breaker. The sound of skin on skin echoes around the pit as the Creeper makes love to Jenny’s ass, her inflated ass meat rippling like the ocean as it clapped together on each thrust.

Though her brain is too busy processing all the pleasure signals, the loud claps echoing around the sex pit actually answered a key question as to how she got into this predicament. The loud clap from before, which had in-avertedly caused this sexual situation, had been from Jenny herself! Specifically, the increased mass of her ass had led to her little jump of joy turning into a loud signal for the Mutant Mob to assault her, though Jenny was not in any mental capacity to realize this. Jenny’s mind begins to crack as the wear and tear of multiple org*sms catch up to her, the bony nubs on his co*ck spreading and rubbing all the right places inside her to create climax after climax. It felt like someone was shoving a fair winning pickle the size of a pole inside her ass, spreading her open with its girthy shaft and tickling her insides with the bumps. On each stroke, Jenny’s stomach distends to fit the meaty intruder, looking like someone was trying to punch out from inside her stomach, her organs rearranging themselves to fit the fat co*ck that was abusing her. Jenny hadn’t realized it, or anything else since she was so deep in c*mslu*t lala land, but the radiation had started to affect her anatomy, literally making her holes more pliable without sacrificing firmness.

Deep stroke after deep stroke impales Jenny on his rock-hard breeding tool, Jenny none the wiser of the radiations effects as the two thick loads in the Creeper’s balls boil for release into a tight and warm orifice, which Jenny is more than happy to provide. With a pressured grunt, the Mutant Creeper skewers Jenny on his girthy co*ck, his balls clenching up against her puss* as a flood of watery precum floods Jenny’s asshole. “Unhhhh,” Jenny moans out, eyes rolling back into her head as she climaxes from being pumped full, her stomach expanding to fit the added fluid. Multiple climaxes rob Jenny of her muscular control as the Mutant Creeper continues to pump her full of precum, the thin liquid only the beginning of Jenny’s ass inflation. For a moment, the flow completely stops, giving Jenny a much-needed breather, but she’s sent back into convulsions as his fat meaty member begins vibrating inside her, the thick co*ck shaft jerking this way and that as Jenny’s face twists into an ahegao mask, eyes crossing and tongue lolling as org*smic juice leaks down her inner thighs.

Jenny has become the Creeper’s pocket puss*, a cumdump to be unloaded into anytime, anywhere, as long as his co*ck was hard and ready to rut. Just when she thinks it’s almost over, the second wave hits. Drool leaks from the corner of Jenny’s mouth as her stomach expands, gallons of thick viscous baby batter pouring into her asshole, Jenny moaning all the while like the c*mslu*t she is. Rope after rope of virile sperm pumps into her butt, the Creeper’s watermelon sized ball sack unloading shot after shot, visibly shrinking as he poured into Jenny’s stomach the equivalent of two hot steaming loads, both thick with goopy globs of Creeper DNA. “Ohhhhh Notchhhhhhh,” Jenny moans out as her stomach stretches to accommodate the loads, her inflated abdomen actually lifting her arms off the ground as a continuous hose of cum drained into the tight and willing co*cksleeve, close to passing out from the pleasure of what could only be tens, if not hundreds, of back to back org*sms as the Creeper f*cked her butt, ample butt flesh clapping all the while.

Jenny’s hands on her mouth, holding back the flood of cum surging from her throat, barely staying conscious as her eyes roll back once more, puss* flexing as it spurted in climax. After what feels like an eternity, Jenny’s stomach stops growing, the Mutant Creeper’s balls visibly shrunken and Jenny’s stomach now three times its original size. Jenny convulses in pleasure as the Creeper slowly removes his pulsing member, a stream of viscous white cum pouring out in gobs and leaking down her puss* to dribble down her thighs. Inflated to way pregnant proportions, but now without a throbbing co*ck buttpl*g to keep it in, obs and gobs of the Creeper’s gooey cum jets from Jenny’s gaping asshole like fireworks, spurting in thick torrents that paint the ground a dirty off white. Jenny’s limbs slowly come into contact with the ground as her stomach empties its contents, her ecstatic trembles subsiding as she focuses on ejecting the hefty cum load. Jenny flexes her stomach as what could only be liters of the Creeper’s thick baby batter surges from her asshole, the hard ground a canvas and her filled butthole the artist obsessed with using white paint.

Her asshole, understandably so, gapes and winks as it tries to shrink, stretched wide by the Creeper’s heaving meat pole, simply trying to remember what it was used for, besides a hole for mobs to cum into. As the white fountain erupting from Jenny’s asshole ebbs, Jenny is left collapsed on her shoulders and knees, the rain pouring down on her as she twitches in pleasure, tongue lolling and eyes unfocused as her Brain tries to restore normal function with thoughts of normalcy, plans to get out of the deranged sex pit and play some catch with Alpha on her mind. But it’s not over. Far from it. As Jenny desperately tries to empty her asshole of its goopy contents, the Mutant Creeper can feel his balls swelling with another load of hot cum. His libido hadn’t been this active before, but after coming into contact with the busty sex slave we know as Jenny, his body had begun making rapid mutations in order to please her, or at least use her to the fullest.

He takes one last look over Jenny’s collapsed form, her gaping butthole leaking his steaming baby batter, before stalking closer. He can hear Jenny panting in post org*sm, her legs still quivering from the brutal assf*ck, but the Creeper’s only focus is how he can best use her to satisfy his carnal desires. Enclosed beneath the white cum fountain is a lucky quarter for the Mutant Creeper, in the form of another warm and waiting hole just begging to be used by his bulbous pulsating member and pumped full of cum. With the mental image of a drain for him to fill, the Mutant Creeper stomps over, positioning himself over Jenny’s collapsed form, shielding her from the rain, but also aligning his co*ck head to just beneath her gaping asshole. Jenny stirs from her co*ck induced stupor from the feeling of his pointy co*ck head spreading her puss* walls, diving forward with her sexually exhausted body just in time to avoid penetration. With her body pressed to the ground, the Creeper’s heaving co*ck throbs above her back, gooey precum dripping into the small of her back as the he tries to figure out why his co*ck wasn’t buried inside his personal cumdump.

Shuffling to the side, Jenny rolls out from under him, coming to a standing position with chin raised and arms crossed. “Now what do you think you’re doing?” Jenny jeers, her eyes flicking between his pulsing co*ck shaft and his bright red eyes, which were fixated on Jenny’s cleavage. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Jenny’s crossed arms were pushing her enlarged boobs closer, making them bulge out in a deliciously f*ckable muffin top. Snapping her fingers to get his attention, Jenny chides “I'm sure you’ve got lots ideas for where to put that co*ck of yours, but your co*ck is too big for me!” Without a word, the Creeper begins to pout, a series of sad and questioning mews as he leans closer, nuzzling his scaly head against Jenny’s shoulder. “Oh no, I'm not budging just because you look cute. That monster between your legs probably won’t even fit!” Jenny says, crossing her arms again as she lifts her chin in defiance. But a few more pitiful noises from the Creeper has Jenny kneeling down, worriedly chewing on her bottom lip as her puss* leaks from excitement. “Okay, you can try, but just once! And you gotta go slow!” Jenny whines, the puss* juice leaking down her thigh betraying her expectation.

She hadn’t been completely honest when she said he wouldn’t fit, after all, her ass had been able to expand to take it, maybe the radiation was affecting her body’s natural ability to take co*ck? Jenny’s eyes glaze over as she feels his girthy pecker rub against her puss* lips, gulping down spit as she tries to focus. “Alright, slowly inse-” Having not learned her lesson, and literally getting f*cked for it, the Mutant Creeper ignores her commands as he slams his massive member in, screams of ecstasy echoing from below as the thick middle of his bulbous co*ck stops him halfway in. Jenny’s tight puss* clamps down on his pulsing member, unable to stop the deep penetrating thrust as he forces the meaty shaft further in, another mind breaking org*sm rocking her body. Even midst org*sm, Jenny desperately claws at the ground, slowly crawling forward as the Creeper reams her squeezing twat. But too smart to let her escape a second time, the Mutant simply scoots forward with her, pounding his lengthy breeding tool all the way up to her cervix, and there was still much more shaft to insert. Not one to give up hope, Jenny continues to struggle forwards, face dropping when her hand hits the wall.

Pinned between the wall and his hard co*ck, Jenny begins to resign herself to the fate of his personal sex slave, but is reinvigorated by a genius idea! To say the least, she needed him to get balls deep, if she couldn’t feel his throbbing dong behind her sternum, then she’d need to go deeper. Unsure of whether this was a plan from her brain’s frontal cortex for logical decisions, or the pleasure center, Jenny goes along with it, no other plans coming to mind. The Mutant Creeper is more than happy to follow along as Jenny stops struggling, even pushing back against his resonating slams to aid his brutal sex plot. Believing that he had rutted Jenny into submission, the Creeper pushes deeper, using his hips to force open Jenny’s cervix. Jenny can’t help but convulse as girl cum spurts from her puss*, squirting onto the plants below as her gaping asshole winks and drips cum from its previous engagement. The previous load of cum only helps the Creeper’s advances, slowly leaking into Jenny’s moist cavern as his co*ck head fully entered her womb. Inch after girthy inch slides into Jenny’s inner sanctum, losing her mind as org*sm after org*sm assaults her ability to reason, reducing her to nothing more than a monster’s f*ckpet with each thrust.

But not a quitter, Jenny sticks to her plan, pushing back against each thrust as his hot dong molested her insides, the numerous debilitating org*sms momentarily pausing her plans, though the Mutant Creeper is kind enough to keep thrusting, roughly trying to sheathe his entire expanded co*ck in her. It comes as a burst of pleasure, to both of them, when he feels his pointed co*ck shaft hit something deep within Jenny, her coveted uterine wall. His hefty pulsating dong was now rooted inside her, buried up to his balls in fleshy co*cksleeve. For a moment, Jenny breathes out a sigh of relief, but regrets it when the relaxation allows his heaving member to slip a bit deeper. Re-hardening her core, Jenny glances between her legs, spotting with a start that though his balls were now nestled against her cl*t, there was still a few inches left of his radiated co*ck shaft. Cursing the hope that his droopy nutsa*ck had given her, Jenny hunkers down for the last few inches, her stomach already bulging with the fat meat package sheathed inside her. But it seems the Creeper can’t go any deeper!

With Jenny’s ass, he had simply forced his co*ck in, but her bear trap of a puss* was proving to be a challenging foe for his meaty warrior, her uterus squeezing so hard that he didn’t know where his co*ck started, and Jenny began. Unexpectedly, Jenny feels the Creeper begin to pull out, loud lewd squelches reverberating from her stretched baby hole as he pulls with a considerable amount of willpower. Gripping onto his co*ck like a Chinese finger trap, the Mutant Creeper struggles to pull out, his thick shaft stuck inside her now that Jenny’s puss* had accepted its fate and resized around his thinner base. If her puss* wanted his co*ck so bad, why not give it to her? Jenny only has a moment to curse her vacuum like puss* that adored mob co*ck before the Mutant Creeper abandons his mercy, returning to plan A as he slams it back home in Jenny’s inner sanctum. Girly moans and beastly growls fill the sex pit as Jenny’s womb is repeatedly abused by his heaving meat pole, his dangly coconut sized balls slapping against Jenny’s cl*t and sending shockwaves through her body. Jenny’s tongue lolls out of her mouth as she momentarily loses sight of her goal, eyes hooded and mouth drooling as she gives in to the Mutant Creeper’s passionate puss* f*ck.

She could feel his massive member stretching further with each thrust, violating and demanding her battered puss* walls to expand, which they reluctantly do. It was only a few more inches, but those last inches are enough to send Jenny into Heaven, momentarily losing consciousness as the Mutant Creeper finally envelops his entire bulbous throbbing co*ck meat in Jenny’s warm confines. Stomach noticeably deformed from the large insertion, Jenny shudders in mind breaking pleasure as her insides make room for his massive breeding tool, her puss* walls already coated in fertile precum, but he wasn’t finished yet. Now completely inside her, the Creeper grinds his pulsing co*ck against Jenny’s backside, her ample buttocks providing the perfect cushion for him to rest against. It was no easy task fitting his entire co*ck inside her, but now that it was, his instincts were taking over. Even with his brain screaming for him to take Jenny’s squeezing puss* hole to pound town, the Creeper manages to slowly pull and push, doing slow purposeful thrusts that drew out low moans from the busty adventurer below him.

He desperately wanted to adhere to the code within him, begging for him to breed the tiny female and flood her womb with his cum, but he held back, for the sake of thanking Jenny for her hospitality, for now. Even through the mind breaking org*sms, Jenny is slowly regaining her thought, the plan coming back in small bits. Get balls deep, check. Now all she needed to do was grab his ball sack, if she could do that, then she stood a chance of forcing him to stop molesting her, though she was also enjoying the brutal super-sized f*ck session. Slowly reaching down between her legs, Jenny has to stop every few seconds as climaxes buffet her muscular control, temporarily twitching in pleasure as her hand got closer to its target. Now out of her co*ck daze, Jenny can’t help but notice the massive bulge distending from her abdomen, his massive bulging buttpl*g of a co*ck pushing around her organs and pushing out from her stomach like an alien parasite. “Almost...” But just as her finger begins to scrape the soft gooey sack, the Mutant Creeper pulls back, now doing deep long deep strokes that almost exited her well-used puss* before stretching it out all over again.

The change of pace has Jenny climaxing into the floor, her hands shooting to her nipples to pinch and pull like the slu*t she is. Though the nipple play caused a few more org*sms, each one more intense than the last, Jenny succeeds in staying conscious, wary of climaxing too hard or else she’d pass out from pleasure, and she had a pretty good idea of what the Mutant would keep doing to her body, even after she went unconscious. I just need to grab ahold of his balls, then I’ll be home free! Or so she thought... Almost like he’s teasing, the Creeper changes pace again just as Jenny grazes his ball sack, now ratcheting up the pace to fast deep strokes, Jenny’s main goal now flopping around and slapping against her cl*t in org*sm inducing claps. With her puss* now adjusted to his size, the Mutant Creeper steadily speeds up with each thrust, pounding Jenny balls deep on each and every stroke meant to breed her, splattering precum inside her and spreading around the previous cum load outside her.

With his new speed, Jenny’s cheeks clearly smack clap together with each stroke, the Creeper’s strokes sending ripples through her backside, her heavy cow tit* leaking milk as they swung back and forth. Collapsing from pleasure, Jenny goes from hands and knees to breasts and knees as she lays on her enlarged love pillows, the additional pressure prompting a jet of milk to leak onto the stony floor. But the Creeper doesn’t stop, with each thrust, he gets closer to climax, the black nubs rubbing against Jenny’s insides in bumpy matrimony as his throbbing bitch breaker messed up her insides, preparing to fill up her womb with a steaming load of hot cum. Getting f*cked into submission, Jenny momentarily forgets what she was doing, her newfound purpose to serve as a breeding hole, nothing more than a bouncy talking onahole for the Massive Creeper’s superior mob gene pool, meant purely as a co*cksleeve to be knocked up, simply slu*ts for massive monster co*ck like our Jenny.

But just as the last flare of hope dies with one of Jenny’s famous wanton moans of lust, the last of Jenny’s working brain cells, excluding the ones focused on conveying how co*ck drunk she is, fire their action potentials, spurring a sudden chain of movements meant for self-preservation from becoming a sex slave, though Jenny’s mind had already given in. With unnatural movement, Jenny completely relaxes her insides, her now pliable womb allowing the Mutant Creeper’s fat breeding tool to slam into the crevices at the back of her uterus, the precum dripping co*ck tip lined up directly to Jenny’s ovarian pipes. The sudden max depth penetration has the Mutant Creeper frozen, his co*ck completely swallowed up in soft human Jenny puss*, his neck and face going slack as his tongue lolls out of his mouth, leaking drool all the while.

On the other hand, Jenny’s hand has shot between her legs, unconsciously grabbing ahold of the Creeper’s clenching nutsa*ck. With her hand wrapped around the base of his balls, where the two nuts connected to his hefty dick, Jenny’s brain manages to restart itself, the original purpose cleared and now searching for a new objective to fulfill. Uhhhhh, Coming out of sex hibernation, Jenny takes a moment to register what’s going on: her hand around his pouch, the sex drunk look on the Creeper’s drooling face, but most of all the feeling of being so utterly full of hot throbbing co*ck meat. Eyes going wide, Jenny glances down only to find that she’s laying in a pool of thick creeper cum mixed with her own clear girl cum, her stomach now massive and bulging with his co*ck lodged inside her. “Ah ha! I got you! Now you bet- Anh!” A lewd moan interrupts her demand as the Creeper’s pulsing dong gives a sudden jerk inside her, his hips beginning to sway as she held him balls deep. “Wha- Hey! Stop moving!” Jenny whines, a flash of worry crossing her face as she realizes how deep on his co*ck she really is, and how close to climax the Creeper is.

“Alright you just need to slo-” Jenny once again breaks down into climax as the Creeper gives a light thrust, the intense stimulation pushing him dangerously close to the edge of climax. He had planned to pull out before he inflated her, but if anything else happened, he might actually impregnate this human c*mslu*t! “Unf, Fine! You asked for this!” Jenny states defiantly, a moan mixing into her speech as she becomes the sole reason for her downfall. Without thinking of the consequences, focused only on punishing the massive green assailant, Jenny clamps down with one of her hands, tightly squeezing one of the Mutant Creeper’s heaving nuts. “Ha! Take tha-” Jenny suddenly stops jeering as she feels his heavy nutsa*ck being to expand in her palm, the pair of coconut swelling with seed to inseminate females, namely the petite human whor* wrapped balls deep around his throbbing co*ck shaft. Jenny screams in climax as his throbbing member begins releasing the first wave, gallons of thin watery cum juice pumping in and opening up her womb.

With how Jenny is impaled on his co*ck, she clearly feels each splash and rope of cum against her inner walls, bits of the inflation juice opening up her ovarian pipes meant for carrying fertile sperm, which it would be doing shortly. “Oh god no, oh no no no no no nooooooo!” Jenny cries out, collapsing onto the floor in org*smic shudders as she resigns herself for another round of cum inflation, but this time in her most precious place that could actually get pregnant. The watery cum prep does its job, gallons of the stuff flooding into Jenny’s womb like a store-bought water balloon being inflated by an industrial hose meant for putting out fires. Jenny’s stomach swells huge as her womb enlarges to accommodate the gallons of pregnancy prep, her womb’s layered surfaces now completely and utterly exposed for zygote implantation, the first wave perfectly made to maximize vulnerable womb walls for fertilized eggs to land on.

Jenny’s only reprieve is that her stomach could only grow so big, jets of the watery precum leaking out from Jenny’s inflated puss* and leaking down her inner thighs with no more room to fill in her love box. But even in her co*ck drunk state, Jenny notices the slight movement within her womb. Wait, is he getting bigger? Jenny gasps from shock as she feels his already heaving monstrosity of a co*ck somehow expanding inside her, though it felt more like little pinpricks pushing on her puss* walls. Holy sh*t Jenny mentally curses as recognizes the feeling. It was the black nubs! Within her puss* was occurring an extraordinary and extremely rare evolutionary process that was a characteristic of all Mutant Creepers, notably more pronounced in this radiation zone Creeper. In an org*smically religious experience, Jenny org*sms countless times as the black bony nubs slide out from his co*ck, thickening after their exit and pressing against the walls of her womb like cement in a crack on the sidewalk.

She realizes all too late what they were meant for, noticing with a mix of horror and fascination that no more cum was leaking out from her. But an impending sense of utter arousal overrides everything else, the thought of getting utterly knocked up with no chance of escape one of Jenny’s secret kinks. You see, the black nubs along the penis of members of the Explodus Hugus only came out when viable eggs for childbearing were present, even if there was an infinitesimally small chance. “Mmmmm, are you that desperate for kids? That you’d even impregnate someone of a different species?” Jenny spits, a mask of hooded eyes and smirking mouth showing that she’d been thoroughly corrupted by the Mutant Creeper’s advances, all thought of escape forgotten as her mind and body give up in the face of his domination by pleasure. Jenny mewls as the second wave begins, rope after rope of thick viscous baby batter pouring into Jenny’s vulnerable womb, directly blasting into Jenny’s ovarian pipes and inflating the little tubes, implanting hundreds of fertile Creeper sperm deep in Jenny’s overfilled womb.

Spurt after spurt of Mutant Creeper cum erupts into Jenny, her stomach expanding with no way for the cum to escape, exponentially increasing the chance of Jenny’s pregnancy as load after load rushes into her fertile radiated womb, bloating her stomach and sending her into ecstatic convulsions as a climax storm rampaged through her body. The pair is curled together in delicate breeding love and carnal pleasure as the Creeper shoots off load after load inside the soft co*cksleeve of a female, drool dripping off his lolled out tongue as he stares off into space, unfocused as his co*ck explodes inside Jenny’s fertile radiated womb, plastering her uterine lining with his coat of goopy cum. Jenny just enjoys the ride, her stomach expanding was past its normal size, and limit, as the radiation allows her abdomen to expand, liters of virile Creeper cum pumping into Jenny with no sign of stopping.

An almost endless surge of cum paints Jenny’s insides a dirty off white, the thick baby batter filling every inch of her abused baby room as Jenny mewls and moans like a cat in heat, f*cked senseless and enjoying every moment of the Mutant Creeper’s extreme breeding session. As the cum flow begins to ebb, his ball sack utterly drained of multiple loads of sperm. Once his balls are completely emptied inside his new f*cktoy, he can feel the black nubs automatically retract, the massive reservoir of cum inside Jenny spilling free with a flourish of goopy white blobs. Pushed out by the laws of physics, cause this story always adheres to them, gallons of thick viscous cum pours out of Jenny’s raised bottom, Jenny moaning in pure ecstasy and pleasure as her stretched and gaping puss* winks while ejecting gobs of Mutant Creeper cum, almost a mirror reflection of her equally messed up asshole, dual creampies echoing the story of Jenny’s epic sex tirade.

The Mutant Creeper collapses to the floor, falling back and kneeling on his hind legs as he catches his breathe from the intense love session, not to mention mind numbing pleasure of back to back org*sm paired with the sense of fulfillment that came with impregnating another busty co*cksleeve, especially one as addicted to cum as Jenny. But just as the last globs of his inflating creampie bubble from Jenny’s rear, she stands up, practically unaffected by the brutal f*cking she’d just received. With inhuman speed fueled by adrenaline and an otherworldly willpower, Jenny pulls free her sword, closing the distance between them and pressing the serrated edge to the base of his bulbous buttpl*g of a co*ck. His large size used against him, the Mutant Creeper can’t really retaliate or react, frozen in fear as Jenny begins to speak, her voice innocent yet threatening. “Listen up Creep. Since you made me cum so much, I’ll let you go this time, but you better listen to what I say from now on, got it?” The Mutant Creeper takes a large gulp of air, his heart racing as he nervously nods along to her demand, this time taking her seriously.

It was often forgotten in the heat of mating, but the fleshy f*cktoy he’d already used so much was still a skilled adventurer, an expert in crafting, foraging, and fighting but also f*cking. “A-Are you still hard?” Jenny gasps in disbelief, his previously deflated co*ck now throbbing back to life despite the sharp sword edge pointed to its balls. “Hmmm,” Jenny ponders aloud, licking her lips as her instincts take over once more, “Do me a favor, please, and blow a hole in the mountain side, I’m tired of being wet.” Jenny commands, the Mutant Creeper quickly following his new mistress’s orders and doing just that. He stands at attention in the middle of the sex pit, his eyes following Jenny’s ample butt as she sashays into the pseudo cave. He can’t help but relax a bit as Jenny tosses the stone sword inside, along with her drenched vault suit, seemingly pleased with his handiwork as she looked around. The little cave wasn’t much, but it had fresh soft dirt as flooring, and it was big enough for both of them, assuming she even let him come near her after the dual forced creampies.

Thinking to himself, the Mutant Creeper resigns to sleeping in the rain, dark clouds now overhead as the sun set and the rain began to pour down, Jenny would have to be real slu*t for monster co*ck if she sti- His wildest dreams come true, his jaw drops to the floor as Jenny lays back on the soft dirt floor, spreading her legs and presenting her juicy pink puss* lips, looking good as new after getting washing in the pouring rain, despite the brutal puss* stretching he did to her but moments ago. His co*ck throbs with arousal as he takes a tentative step toward the cave entrance, the warm embrace of Jenny’s hot and willing holes enticing, but the stone sword against the wall still smelled of danger. puss* dripping with need, Jenny half moans half commands him. “What are you waiting for? Come here and KNOCK ME UP!” Not to cower in the face of an opportunity, especially one as juicy as this, the Creeper rushes in after her, lowering its head to avoid conking itself out on the low ceiling. As a thunderstorm rolls in, the rain comes down harder and thunder echoes in the distance, not that it mattered to the intertwined pair making love like there’s no tomorrow.

The Mutant Creeper pounds his hefty co*ck shaft into his bouncy bubbly lover, her face twisting in ahegao pleasure and mouth drooling as she verbalized how great she felt in moans and mewls. They make love, passionate, desperate, and carnal. Deep thrusts and explosive creampies, back to back with nothing in between but sloppy kisses and the sound of skin clapping against skin as they transitioned between positions. Jenny didn’t know it, but with each passing moment, her chances of pregnancy increased, her human genome mixing and mingling with the gallons of Creeper cum her body took in, the radiation messing with her genome to fit whatever sick breeding desire it saw fit for the wasteland full of nothing but mutated creatures with massive co*cks and nothing to put them in. So it was obvious that natural selection would favor Jenny to become a breeding sow, to be used as a cumdump for every manner of mutated creature that found her.

Now it was just a matter of time before her fertile radiated ovaries were overwhelmed by the multiple creampies she’d taken back-to-back, not to mention the many more she would take while hidden away in the Mutant Creeper’s love den. Between how many times she’s been inflated, anally and vagin*lly, combined with the Creeper’s black nubs that basically guaranteed her pregnancy, Jenny is sure she’s pregnant with his child, another illegitimate monster baby who that would probably end up f*cking its mother, just like her previous children, not to mention the numerous pets and mobs she’d encountered. In a rare of moment of rest, Jenny is laying against the Creeper’s massive green frame, rubbing her very inflated stomach, though it was only cum and not yet a child. “Hmm, what should I name him? Creepo? Greeny? What do you think daddy?” Jenny asks aloud to her resting lover, overjoyed at adding another member to her growing harem of fat co*cked family.

She couldn’t wait to show the surprise to her pets! They’d probably be looking for answers, and she’d be happy to give a very interactive visual demonstration, maybe involving her new child, whenever they pop out. Slimy had only taken a few hours, but that was a slime who’s entire existence was more mitosis than meiosis like the Creeper and Jenny’s. Shaking it off for now, Jenny was keen on getting some more personal time with the Mutant Creeper Daddy, and judging from his erect and throbbing member, he was too. As the two’s beast-like mating begins anew, all worries of pregnancy fade away into moans and climaxes, more creampies blasting open Jenny’s womb and marking her as his woman to use and abuse. What Jenny didn’t know was that her pets were in for more than just one surprise. You see, Creeper insemination has a clear difference from human insemination. Since Creepers, by nature, are hunted for their gunpowder and generally attacked on site, they’d developed an evolutionary adaptation to fertilize as many eggs as sperm allows and implant them if possible.

Getting creampied over and over again, Jenny’s radiated womb is now compatible and being given a near constant supply of Creeper sperm, as for eggs, the Mutant Creeper’s implanted spikes were secreting a novel hormone that limited the Luteinizing hormone feedback loop, forcing Jenny’s body to secrete not one, but two viable eggs into her peritoneal cavity, which are quickly sucked into her ovarian pipes, near instantaneously getting fertilized by the huge gobs of thick Creeper DNA floating around in her overflowing womb, and subsequently implanted on her endometrium. Thankfully, the universe takes mercy on Jenny this time, only popping out two eggs before restarting the hormone feedback loop, but that damage had been done. As Jenny made love to her beastly member, she’s unsuspecting of the two cute monsters developing inside her, getting nourished by load upon load of thick steaming baby batter directly from their hyperactive father.

The night drags on as the storm intensifies, beauty and beast had mated for so long that Jenny could now how the Creeper felt through the noises he made. Hissing was for surprise, purring for pleasure, growl when cumming, and the sound that was her goal every time: a slight trill that came out like a chirp, akin to a songbird’s tweet in the early morning, heard only when he was drowning in pleasure. Their fervent love-making echoes around the small cave, loud moans, breathing, and the sound of skin on skin the only noises in the sex pit turned love cove. Like lovers on a honeymoon having desperate baby making sex in a secluded mountain cabin where only the wilderness heard their pleasure, but in this instance, Jenny is the lover having wild unprotected sex with the grotesquely oversized nature pounding away at her quivering cum-filled orifices, while her pets are none the wiser.

The night drags on, the thunderstorm outside howling at the cave’s mouth as their sex reaches its most raunchy, only growing more passionate as the moon rises into the sky. Even with the moonlight shrouded in dark clouds, the two are inseparable, deep in the pleasure one another offered as they meld in the darkness of the cave. However, as the storm outside grows wilder and more violent, the Creeper begins to look to the cave opening, glancing outwards into the dark night with worry evident on his usually stoic green face. “What’s wrong honey?” Jenny asks, genuinely concerned as she stops running her tongue over the little black nubs on his cum covered breeding tool, though still absentmindedly stroking it with one hand as the other pulled on his hefty nutsa*ck, just on the edge of org*sm. Defying all sex logic, and miffing Jenny a little for interrupting her oral cleanup routine, the Mutant Creeper rolls to a standing position, prowling over to the edge of the cave and stomping a few times.

“Is something wrong?” Jenny tentatively asks, walking over to meet at the mouth of the cave. The Creeper begins to hiss and growl like an overcooked teapot, but Jenny only knows what they mean in the context of sex, not speech. “Uhhhm, unless the rain is turning you on, I don’t know what you’re saying.” Jenny chuckles out, a nervous undertone entering her voice as the Mutant motions for her to get on. A little apprehensive, but trusting that her lover wouldn’t hurt her, Jenny grabs her still drying vault suit and uses it as a makeshift harness, wrapping it around the base of his neck and grabbing the edges as reigns as she scoots onto his back. Just as Jenny gets comfortable, or as comfy as one can be sitting naked on a scaly saddle, the Creeper zooms with unexpected speed and beelines into the pouring rain. An immediate flash of cold washes over Jenny’s entire being, wishing she’d brought some extra clothes as she holds on for dear life, taking some relief in the immense heat that the Creeper radiated. With a massive swoosh of air, and a loud thud, the two are out of the pit, the above visibility even worse now that they were in the middle of the stormfront, thunder and heavy rainfall drowning their surroundings and shutting down all efforts at communication.

Before Jenny can even begin to analyze her surroundings for signs of danger, bright flashes of white illuminate the sky, blinding Jenny as she’s thrown off of the Mutant Creeper. Adrenaline kicking in, Jenny rolls to a standing position, stopping at a light jog as she scans the pouring rain for her lover. Jenny looks back just in time to see the Creeper stance up on his hind legs, his massive frame acting as a lightning rod and the wrath of Zeus slams into him with a bright flash. Jenny looks away, the bright light too sudden for her dilated pupils, but looks back to see the charged form of her lover, his eyes a shining white and body coated in electricity. Like a scene out of the bible, the rain worsens, the dark abyss of night swallowing up the moon and blanketing Jenny in pitch black. But Jenny doesn’t care, her attention is trained on the Mutant Creeper, coated in flickering white light that illuminated the darkness with the throbbing pole of man meat hanging from the Creeper’s scrotum.

If he’d been big before, it was now three times as big, an absolute slab of girthy, veiny, pulsing man meat, his electricity swollen nutsa*ck dragging against the ground with gallons of charged Creeper sperm. “Well, since you saved me from the lightning, it’s only right that I reward you~” Jenny whispers out, puss* juice already leaking down her inner thigh as she kneels down on her hands and knees, flexing her enlarged ass cheeks, obscenely jiggling her plentiful ass meat and presenting her tight winking asshole for the Master’s use. Even without his electric body light illuminating the surroundings, the Mutant Creeper quickly spots her jiggly supple bottom clapping in the rain, easily seeing her big wet butt shining from the little bit of light, a clear f*ckable outlier contrasting against the pitch-black background. Without a moment to spare, he begins stalking over, inflated cum sacks dragging as he did. Jenny’s excitement turns to apprehension as he gets closer, eyes widening in nervous arousal as she looks back to see his electrically charged and even more heaving dong, not to mention his swollen balls, so full of thick cum that they hung low from his body.

With his extra girth, and pulsating meat shaft, Jenny can’t help but rethink her offer, maybe he’d be satisfied with a lengthy blowj*b? But all contemplation of escape dissipates as his enlarged meat shaft slaps between her cheeks, vibrating lightly with energy and dripping precum into the small of her back. Utterly co*ck drunk, Jenny just drools and moans as he begins to hotdog her ample butt cheeks, his f*ck stick twitching and shuddering between them. As he pulls back to line up the pointy head to her asshole, Jenny forgets the one lesson she should’ve remembered, never let a Mutant Creeper take charge. With a single unhinged thrust, the Mutant Creeper slams his charged Creeper dong deep into Jenny’s asshole, gaping it as he relentlessly pounded her backdoor with deep thrust after deep thrust that turned Jenny into an org*smic mess. Precum drips from her asshole as he molests it, the tiny nubs on his co*ck discharging electricity and giving Jenny’s insides climax inducing little shocks, nothing more than carpet burn charges that short circuit Jenny’s brain with their quantity.

Her stomach bloats and distends with each thrust, his massively engorged creeper co*ck stretching her open and forcing itself in, using Jenny as his sex slave and abusing her battered anus, though she’s enjoying every moment of it. The Mutant Creeper pounds away with ruthless abandon, thrusting his burly co*ck meat in and out of Jenny’s co*cksleeve of an ass as pressure built in his loins. He could feel it rising, the sperm in his nuts churning with each stroke and throb, Jenny’s clenching asshole milking him for co*ck juice and begging to be pumped full of baby batter. His distended cum-filled nuts plap against her puss* on each deep stroke, battering it with heavy slams that send Jenny into incoherent mumbles as she hugs the ground for support against his heaving ass assault. Loud clapping fills the dark as he molests Jenny’s butthole, the pouring rain just barely covering the sounds of skin on skin, though anyone near could hear it clearly.

Pinned beneath the beast, Jenny grabs onto his front legs at each side of her head, holding herself there as his thrusts grew fast and desperate, close to climax after a long night of inflating his personal f*cktoy. Below him, Jenny is a human glowstick, his massive throbbing co*ck lighting up her insides as he buried it inside her, making her almost see through like glass, but still tinted a light white. With a loud roar that echoes across the plains, the Mutant Creeper unloads, only a little precum dripping out for the first wave before rope after rope of thick viscous cream pouring into Jenny like ghost ectoplasm, lighting up her insides as the glowing baby batter piled up in her ass and stomach in piles of gooey spunk. Shot after shot paints her insides white, like a once colored canvas now splattered in glow in the dark paint, gallons of electrically charged spooge filling Jenny’s ass and sending her into pleasurable convulsions as she c*ms from the stimulation, getting pumped full of nasty monster cum as she came like a whor* from his ecstatic goopy inflation.

As he shields her from the pouring rainstorm, the charged Mutant Creeper impales her over and over again, the little nubs on his co*ck stretching Jenny open as he relentlessly slammed his hefty mob member into Jenny’s gaping asshole, jets of his thick cum spurting from the corners of her stretched and broken asshole with each savage thrust. As more thick cum unloads from his great heavy nutsa*ck, the Creeper lowers his center of mass, forcing the rest of his bulbous buttpl*g deep into Jenny and resting his clenching balls against her puss* as rope after rope painted her insides. As the flow of cum ebbs, Jenny’s stomach now massively pregnant after having liters of creeper cum emptied into her asshole, the Creeper gives a last few thrusts, cleaning off his deflating co*ck inside her as he steps back, Jenny’s legs collapsing from under her as a geyser of creeper cum erupts from her asshole. But before Jenny can get any rest, the Mutant rears up once more, another lightning strike coming down as his co*ck regains its previous rigor and drained balls filling up once more.

But tired and mentally exhausted from the night of pleasure, he loses his balance, slipping on the slippery stone floor as he tumbles backwards, his co*ck pointed to the now clearing sky as he lays on his back. Before he can stand up again, Jenny is on him, already positioned over his throbbing hot dong, facing his balls as she held his hind legs for support. To his pleasure, he feels his massive member spread a moist pair of puffy lips, slowly entering his jiggly co*cksleeve’s dripping wet puss*. Now riding, Jenny is in complete control, impaling herself on his hot and knubby f*ckstick with slow deep penetrations, getting closer and closer to the base, her stomach protesting as it bulged outwards. “Ahhh, you’re co*ck is so deep!” Jenny moans out, noticing his pointy co*ck head spearing out of her midsection, albeit covered in a thin film of her skin. She could feel her womb distending as she dropped deeper, the inner sanctum meant for babies getting f*cked into the shape of his monstrous co*ck meat.

Now recharged, Jenny can’t get over how amazing his electrically charged co*ck feels, the little black nubs lining his co*ck delivering pleasurable little volts that arc around her wet puss* walls and diffuse the stimulation into her inner depths where no co*ck could actually go. “Guhhhh, Anh!” Jenny pants as she repeatedly climaxes all over his hefty dong, the meaty shaft twitching as her puss* clenched and unclenched around it, sliding deeper every time Jenny’s legs gave out from org*sm. Jenny throws her head back as she holds back another org*sm, the light drizzle washing away her sins, though she was quickly accruing new ones. It’s a pleasant wave of chilly rain, her nipples like diamonds in the rain’s cold embrace, but getting warmed from the inside as the Mutant Creeper’s hot co*ck leaked juicy steaming precum into her womb. She could feel his fat co*ck head squeezing into her, pushing her useless organs out of the way as she came again and again, her bulging stomach distending further outwards as his throbbing co*ck meat bottomed out inside her womb.

Jenny gives a few tentative humps, but fails to push his co*ck further in, unable to go any further. Remembering what she did early to get his co*ck completely in, Jenny takes a deep breathe, then begins to relax her inner muscles. “Oh f*ck, oh f*ck! Ohhhh f*ckkkkkkkkkk” Jenny screams out in pleasure as she slides deeper, her relaxed womb stretching further to accommodate the thick and fat intruder entering her depths. Throwing her head back as she climaxes, Jenny’s face is a perfect ahegao, eyes crossed and mouth drooling as she slides down his pole of mob meat, climaxing hard as she impales herself on his enlarged and charged Creeper co*ck. Creaming herself repeatedly, Jenny mewls like a kitten as his electric vibrating monster co*ck slides in, his full balls mashing up against her cl*t as he finally gets in balls deep. Panting from exertion, Jenny’s stomach is wildly expanded with creeper co*ck, her eyes fluttering as her puss* clamps down on his bulbous member, acclimating to his immense size in her puss*.

The Mutant Creeper is docile through the entire interaction, partially due to enjoying her lewd moans and jiggling buttcheeks, but as soon as Jenny gets balls deep, in the moment where she’s too weak to resist, he begins wildly thrusting upwards, bringing his hips off the ground and jerking into Jenny’s battered puss*. Jenny’s legs slip as he jerks, completely impaling herself on his throbbing co*ck as she basically sits down, her head rolling back in pleasure as his XXL sized dong slides as deep as it would go. Now sat balls deep on his co*ck, the Creeper uses Jenny as a f*cktoy, literally using Jenny as his personal co*cksleeve as he pounds into her from below, her ecstatic moans enough to egg him on as he does deep strokes into her messed up puss*, precum spilling from her like melted ice cream. Throughout the unexpected assault, Jenny is struggling to gain some footing, any footing, to regain control, but the Creeper wouldn’t let her. Thrusting wildly, he ruts Jenny’s well-used puss* like the sex toy it is, ravaging it as his balls swelled with another fertile load to pump into his breeding bitch.

Jenny mewls and moans as her puss* gets pounded from below, massaging her attacker’s hot dong as it stretched out her insides. Just as Jenny thinks she’s about to get a foothold, the Creeper’s long forgotten co*ck tongue comes back in spectacular fashion, slithering into her gaping and cum-stained asshole, sending Jenny into org*smic shudders again as the Mutant Creeper solo DPs our busty little protagonist, thrusting in and out of Jenny’s puss* and ass with fervent thrusts that brings Jenny’s mind further into depravity with each stroke. “Unf, yes! Pound my holes! Stretch me out! Ruin me!” Jenny begs, given up on trying to get control and submitting herself to his fat monstrosity of a co*ck. The Creeper happily accepts his little f*ck slave’s submission, now speeding up his thrusts and slamming his co*ck in with long deep strokes that slap his heavy nutsa*ck against Jenny’s cl*t as his tongue cleaned out her asshole.

Creeper c*mslu*t of the year, and probably eternity, Jenny happily accepts his desperate thrusts, on cloud nine as she’s used like as the massive mob’s f*cktoy, his colossal breeding tool loading another thick load of baby batter into the chamber for unloading. Jenny goes slack as she semi passes out from org*smic exhaustion, completely being used like a cumrag by the massive Creeper’s mutated lengthy co*ck rod, her ample ass cheeks jiggling and rippling as the Mutant continues the savage double penetration of his loyal sex slave. Nearing climax, the Creeper speeds up his thrusts, slamming his meaty rod in and out with fast long jerks that slap his heaving nutsa*ck against Jenny’s stomach, her enlarged tit* swinging up and down as they leak breast milk like a loose hose. Each thrust pounds deep, an endless cycle of the Creeper clapping Jenny’s cheeks and the sight of them jiggling making him even harder and more motivated to pound the sin out of her.

With a heaving groan, the Creeper begins to discharge watery clear cum fluid, his swollen balls drawing up and squeezing out every last drop of pregnancy prep. Jenny, her stomach already massive from his lightning expanded co*ck shaft, now bloats even more as load after load pumps into her, climaxing repeatedly as her stomach swells to the size of a large slime, org*sming hard as the little nubs on his hefty co*ck shoot out. The tiny black nubs lodge themselves in Jenny’s puss* walls, the spindles discharging electric charge in little spots around her womb and eating away at Jenny’s mind as she’s sexually tased from the inside by his monster member. Just as she’s coming off of the high, the second wave is released, unloading gallons of thick steaming baby batter into Jenny’s overflooding womb, growing way past nine months pregnant as the Mutant Creeper’s throbbing bitch breaker dumps his fertile monster cum into Jenny’s pregnant womb.

Jenny’s mouth hangs open as her head tilts back in pleasure, wailing as her stomach inflates larger and larger with each shot of thick hot sperm, emptying his virile Creeper sperm into Jenny like a fire hose, splattering the inside of her puss* in thick white spooge, like an overflowing creampie. Jenny squeezes like a clamp as her uterus has liters of Creeper cum crammed in, his heaving member pulsing inside her as it drained its entire stock of impregnating sperm to ensure implantation of a viable embryo. Unable to hold anymore cum, Jenny slowly rises off his co*ck , the sweeping flood of Creeper spunk too much, but just as she’s about to rocket off like a soda filled rocket, but ejecting cum, the Creeper’s co*ck tongue wraps around her waist, forcibly pulling her down on his erupting co*ck as it continued to pump out electrically charged thick impregnating baby batter. “MMmm! Ahhhh! God yes!” Jenny screams out, the cold drizzle only heightening the pleasure she felt from the throbbing Creeper co*ck’s hot steaming cum pumping into her.

Tired of just cumming, the Mutant Creeper uses his hold around Jenny’s waist to pull her up and down, literally jerking himself off with Jenny’s f*cktoy of a puss* as drool leaks from the corners of her mouth, eyes staring into space as she mutters obscenities. “f*ck… Yes… Please…” Jenny whispers, mind broken as the electric black nubs rooted in her puss* drag aloud her puss* walls, sending shocks of pleasure through her shaking body, arms and legs slack as the Creeper repeatedly slams her balls deep on his gushing co*ck head, face twisted in pleasure as her unfilled asshole winks with need. With one final powerful pound, the Creeper slams Jenny as deep as she would go, his heavy nutsa*ck pulsing against her erect cl*t as the last few spurts of thick cum spout from his pointed tip, her stomach massively expanded with so much cum her sagging stomach almost touched the ground, looking more like an overfilled water balloon than a busty adventurer.

“Guhhhhh,” Jenny moans out, brain dead with the dump truck of cum that’d been pumped into her, completely converted to a living breathing co*cksleeve that’s only purpose was to be filled with cum. Finally drained of all his cum, the Mutant Creeper releases his hold around his f*cktoy, but Jenny stays lodged onto his co*ck, her heavy sagging cum-filled stomach balancing out the pressure built inside Jenny’s puss* trying to push her off. Practically f*cked stupid, Jenny barely notices when the little spindles on the Creeper’s co*ck suck back in, a wave of fertile Creeper cum pouring out of Jenny’s stretched and broken puss* hole, a wasted creampie splattering onto the floor in gooey piles of thick cum.

Electricity discharged, the Creeper’s inflated co*ck shrinks back to its original size within Jenny, her stretched and gaping puss* spurting gallons of cum from the unfilled edges, spilling down her thighs and dripping across the Creeper’s emptied ball sack in a waterfall of gunky white spooge. With a sizable baby bump the size of a full-grown Creeper weighing her down, Jenny falls forward, landing on the soft pillow that is her inflated stomach as what seems like an endless amount of Creeper sperm ejects from her womb in thick gobs. The air smells of sex and rain, the downpour of rain letting up as Jenny’s stomach finally shrinks back to its original size, though her well-used holes are still reacclimating to their unfilled state as they leak creamy baby batter.

Between the dark night and the rolling thunder clouds, all that is visible is the slight shine of moonlight streaking through holes in the cloud cover. Rolling over, the Mutant Creeper is drained, tired from the long hours and short breaks of keeping Jenny sexually satisfied. The fleshy human goddess of depraved monster sex lays collapsed on her hands and knees, practically f*cked stupid and unable to form rational thoughts as the Creeper drags himself over, slowly taking each step with delicate apprehension. The rain stops dousing Jenny as the Mutant Creeper leers over her, eyeing her ample ass now that he’d had his fill of puss* pounding. Jenny half expects, half hopes for another round, but the Creeper surprisingly begins licking her cheek, affectionally purring as Jenny giggles from the rough co*ck tongue plapping against her cheek. Pushing herself to a sitting position, Jenny gives his grotesque co*ck tongue a soft kiss on the tip, beaming with happiness as she looks up at the big friendly mob. It was almost unfathomable that minutes ago, the massive mob had been balls deep inside the tiny female, even more so that she was now pregnant with two of his children, the happy little family enjoying a wholesome moment in their long night of debauchery.

“Haha! Stop that! It tickles!” Jenny chuckles as the Creeper licks down her front, purposefully nipping at the fat lactating nipples that his children would be suckling on. But all of a sudden, a massive shockwave sends both of them flying through the air, the Mutant Creeper managing to land on his four feet, but Jenny wasn’t so lucky. Midair, like a slow-motion action film, a massive green skinned monster tackles her, swinging her on to its shoulder in one swift motion like she was a bag of rice and landing in a kneeling position. Now slung over the mob’s shoulder, Jenny stares down his back, the muscles rippling as he stands to his full height. Jenny gasps as she realizes what she’s staring at, a massive green zombie back, with a torn shirt and pants, a clear pulsing bulge outlined along his ripped trousers. Jenny takes a moment to ogle the massive outline of his member running down his thigh before struggling, realization of the situation she’s in dawning on her. “Honey! Help!” Jenny screams, playing the damsel in distress as she searches for a weapon. Dang it! My sword is in the pit!” Jenny curses her forgetfulness, uselessly struggling against the Mutant Zombie’s cannon like arms, barely moving even with her twisting this way and that. But before Jenny can yell for help again, the Mutant is zooming though the rain, using the darkness as a cover to kidnap Jenny from her four-legged Creeper lover.

Rain pelts Jenny like bullets, the Mutant Zombie moving much faster than she’d thought possible for the reanimated corpse. From within the shroud of rain, Jenny can feel the loud vibrations of explosions, her lover searching endlessly for her. Jumping, a heavy sheet of rain pounds Jenny from above as she feels herself go completely weightless, hovering for a moment midair over the Mutant Zombie’s shoulder before the whistle of wind rushing past her ears drowns out all other noise. Hardening her core, the landing still knocks the air out of her, stomach slamming against his bulky shoulder muscle as she faceplants in his rotting shirt. “Ewww! What is th-“ the words get caught as Jenny notices the massive green frame the Mutant Zombie’s standing on, her defeated Creeper lover, hissing defiance as the Mutant Zombie lifts his thick leg for the finishing blow.

“Oh Mr. Zombie, what are you waiting for? Take me back to your village and f*ck me! Just take your fat co*ck and destroy all my holes! I can’t wait to feel your manly meat tear me apart, more than this tiny pricked loser can!” Jenny spits out, apologetic for her insult to her massive co*cked lover but relieved when her lewd instigations halt his foot’s progress. Without another word, the Mutant Zombie stomps off into the night, the Mutant Creeper’s deep wail of anguish following the pair as the Mutant Zombie carries Jenny into the darkness, a light fog covering his tracks as the rainstorm grows in intensity behind her. It was going to be a long night.

Jenny's Odd Adventures - Chapter 39 - StoryGalory (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.