Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): A Beginner's Guide (2024)

If you’ve ever seen a combination of four mysterious letters, such as “ISTP” or “ENTJ,” you might be interested to know they’re not just a trendy new acronym. These four-letter codes are possible results of a 94-question (give or take) personality assessment called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)—a psychological instrument that’s been around for more than 75 years.

But what exactly do the Myers-Briggs personality types mean, and what can you do once you discover yours? Read on to learn about this widely-used personality test and how the results may help guide life and career decisions.

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What Is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)—also referred to as the “Myers-Briggs personality test” or simply the “Myers-Briggs test”—is a self-reported questionnaire. The test helps people assess their personality using four specific dichotomies, or scales: introversion-extraversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and judging-perceiving.

The MBTI was first developed in the 1940s by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs, and it’s based on psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. The purpose of the test is to “make the theory of psychological types described by C.G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives,” according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. In other words, the MTBI is intended to give clarity and understanding of a person’s personality type in a practical way.

Myers and Briggs first tested friends and family to collect data, workshop the questions and determine how to weigh each answer. In 1951, more than 5,000 medical students across 45 medical schools used the MBTI to help determine which areas of medicine in which they would specialize. Since then, the questionnaire has been used to help people both in and outside the workplace learn more about their personality and the personalities of the people around them.

There are 16 personality types in the MBTI, all of which include a letter for each side of the four scales the person aligns with most. Letters always follow the same order, and scales are abbreviated using the following letters:

  • Introversion-extraversion is represented by I or E
  • Sensing-intuition is represented by S or N
  • Thinking-feeling is represented by T or F
  • Judging-perceiving is represented by J or P

Each of the scales operates as a spectrum. Although a personality may not fall perfectly into one type, the four-letter type code represents the side of each of the four scales a person most closely fits.

For example, a person who leans toward introversion, intuition, thinking and judging would be considered personality type INTJ. Naturally, there are 15 other personality permutations across these four spectrums.

No personality type is superior to the others. Each one simply gives a clearer indication of a person’s likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.

Is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Valid?

“Despite the MBTI’s brand name appeal, personality researchers have considerable skepticism concerning its actual validity compared to more conventional personality tests,” says Romeo Vitelli, Ph.D., a private practice psychologist and psychology consultant at Mom Loves Best. While scientific journals have published thousands of studies using the MBTI over the decades, some researchers question the MBTI’s objectivity, the questionnaire format and the reliability of the test scores. That said, the MBTI remains one of the most widely-recognized personality tests globally for its simplicity, ease of use and longstanding history as a workplace tool, he says.

How Does the MBTI Test Work?

The MBTI test is a self-reported personality assessment. During the test, an individual answers approximately 94 questions that evaluate preference toward four different dichotomies: Introversion-extroversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and judging-perceiving. Depending on their responses, the MBTI classifies an individual into one of 16 different personality types based on their self-reported preferences and behaviors.

What Is the Myers-Briggs Personality Test Used for?

Many businesses, including a large number of Fortune 500 companies, turn to the MBTI for guidance worldwide. The test has been used as a tool for team-building, conflict prevention and leadership development purposes. The MBTI may also help people determine how compatible they are with one another, romantically or platonically, says Vitelli.

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Myers-Briggs Personality Types

Depending on how an individual aligns with the personality preference pairs, they may be classified into one of 16 different personality types. Consider the following traits of each personality type, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation.

ISTJ: Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

  • Tend to be more quiet and serious
  • Realistic, responsible and practical
  • Earns success by being dependable and thorough
  • Enjoys order and organization

ISFJ: Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

  • Quiet and conscientious
  • Committed to meeting obligations
  • Friendly, loyal and considerate of others’ feelings
  • Values order and harmony in their home and work environments

INFJ: Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging

  • Concerned with serving the common good
  • Insightful and eager to learn others’ motivations
  • Tends to seek meaning and connection in relationships and ideas
  • Committed to their values

INTJ: Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging

  • Original thinkers who are motivated to achieve their goals
  • Identifies patterns in events to determine an explanatory perspective
  • Skeptical and independent
  • Maintains high standards for themselves and others

ISTP: Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving

  • Quiet, sensitive and kind
  • Committed to their values and people who are important to them
  • Enjoys being alone and working at their own pace
  • Conflict-averse

ISFP: Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving

  • Tolerant, flexible and logical
  • Quick to find workable solutions for problems
  • Interested in cause and effect
  • Values efficiency

INFP: Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving

  • Idealistic, curious and adaptable
  • Loyal to their values and people who are important to them
  • Eager to understand others and help them reach their full potential
  • Seeks to live a life that aligns with their values

INTP: Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving

  • Theoretical, analytical and skeptical
  • Interested in developing logical explanations for things that interest them
  • Values ideas over social interaction
  • Problem solvers

ESTP: Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving

  • Spontaneous, lives in the moment
  • Prefer action when problem-solving over theoretical explanations
  • Enjoys aesthetics and material comfort
  • Learns by doing

ESFP: Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving

  • Enjoys working with others
  • Spontaneous and easily adapts to new people and environments
  • Realistic, outgoing and accepting
  • Learns best while trying a new skill with other people

ENFP: Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving

  • Warm, enthusiastic and imaginative
  • Desires affirmation from others
  • Eager to offer appreciation and support
  • Spontaneous, flexible, able to improvise

ENTP: Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving

  • Smart, outspoken and stimulating
  • Resourceful when solving problems
  • Good at reading other people
  • Finds routine boring, often finds new ways of doing things

ESTJ: Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

  • Practical, decisive and organized
  • Values achieving results in the most efficient way possible
  • Quick and forceful in implementing plans and decisions
  • Maintains clear and logical standards for themselves and others

ESFJ: Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

  • Cooperative, conscientious and kind
  • Values harmony in their environment
  • Desires appreciation for their contributions
  • Enjoys working with others to complete tasks efficiently and accurately

ENFJ: Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging

  • Empathetic, responsible and loyal
  • Attuned to others’ emotions, needs and motivations
  • Often acts as a catalyst for individual and community growth
  • Responsive to praise and criticism

ENTJ: Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging

  • Enjoys long-term planning and goal-setting
  • Often well-informed, well-read and eager to share their knowledge with others
  • Skilled problem-solvers
  • Readily assumes leadership, forceful in sharing their ideas

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How to Find Out Your MBTI Personality Type

To determine your MBTI personality type, you’ll need to complete the MBTI questionnaire. The assessment can be taken online via the Myers & Briggs Foundation’s website. There are no right or wrong answers, according to the company, and you’ll choose the answers that best fit you. You’ll receive your results in an MBTI Profile Report, which may be delivered virtually or in printed form.

How to Take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test

If you’d like to take the MBTI, you can visit or schedule an appointment with an MBTI-certified practitioner or an organization (such as a school or workplace) that administers the test. The assessment takes roughly 45 minutes to complete, according to MBTIonline.

If you choose to take the MBTI, Vitelli recommends being honest, recognizing the tool’s possible reliability and validity limitations, and not letting your four-letter code rule your existence. “That means accepting that your scores may change over time,” he adds. “And the test shouldn’t be used for making long-term decisions about your life or career.”

Think of the MBTI as a fluid self-awareness tool as opposed to a definitive measure of your personality. You may also choose to take it more than once to see if and how your four-letter personality type code changes over time.

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On The Personality Lab's Website

Is the Myers-Briggs Test Free?

Taking the official MBTI assessment costs $59.95, although other online resources offer unofficial versions of the test for free. For those who opt to take the official assessment, a self-guided feedback system helps you understand and verify the accuracy of your results, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation.

The Four Myers-Briggs Preference Pairs

To determine a person’s four-letter personality code, the MBTI asks questions to help determine which sides of the four scales they most closely fit.


This scale helps a person understand where they put their attention and how they get their energy. “Extraversion refers to the tendency to be outgoing and action-oriented while enjoying social interactions and feeling more energized as a result. Introversion lies on the opposite end of the scale and reflects the tendency to be more thought-oriented and withdrawn,” says Vitelli. However, introversion doesn’t always mean the same thing as being shy. Introversion can also indicate someone who enjoys “living in their head,” reflecting on ideas, thoughts or memories. These types may enjoy company in small groups rather than large crowds and are often comfortable being alone.

Other common traits of extraverts include:

  • Feeling comfortable in groups
  • Being popular or having a large friend group
  • Not thinking something over before taking action

Common traits of introverts include:

  • Avoiding action by overthinking and/or contemplating
  • Feeling removed from the outside world


This scale examines how people take in information from the world around them. “People who prefer sensing tend to be more reality-based and depend on their own senses and what they can learn from hands-on experience,” says Vitelli. “Intuition [type] is more likely to depend on their impressions of the world around them and is more likely to rely on inner feelings to make conclusions.”

Common traits of sensing personalities include:

  • Remembering accurate snapshots of events
  • Being a fact-based problem solver
  • A preference for a realistic “bottom line” approach
  • Valuing experience more than words and/or symbols
  • Overlooking potential possibilities due to overanalyzing facts

Common traits of intuition personalities include:

  • “Reading between the lines”
  • An interest in new, different experiences
  • Bouncing between possible scenarios
  • Valuing impressions, metaphors and symbols more than lived experience
  • A difficulty bringing possibilities to reality


With this scale, the idea is to understand whether a person focuses more on information as it relates to their five senses or on patterns and interpretations. “People scoring highly on thinking tend to be more logic-based and dependent on facts and objective information,” Vitelli adds. “Feeling individuals are more likely to depend on emotions to conclude people and events.”

Thinking personalities commonly display as:

  • Enjoying fields where logic is key
  • Noticing errors or inconsistencies
  • Searching for logical solutions to problems
  • A desire to be fair and make decisions based on logic
  • Believing in direct truth-telling
  • Not always accounting for people’s emotions or experiences
  • Being task oriented and appearing indifferent or uncaring

Feeling personalities typically present as:

  • Enjoying fields involving people or communications
  • Wanting harmony and becoming nervous around conflict
  • Having concern for others
  • Being compassionate and making emotion-based decisions
  • Valuing people’s emotions and believing in delivering news with tact
  • Not always communicating difficult truths directly
  • Appearing indirect, idealistic, or emotional


This scale assesses whether a person prefers more structure in their life or if they’re open to a more flexible lifestyle. “People high on judging are more rigid and inflexible and prefer more structured environments,” says Vitelli. “On the other hand, people high on perceiving tend to be more flexible, open-minded and spontaneous.”

Common displays of judging personalities may include:

  • Enjoying when things are decided
  • Being task oriented
  • Enjoying to-do lists
  • Having a “work before play” attitude
  • Planning ahead to avoid rushing or procrastination
  • Being highly goal oriented, but sometimes missing information due to narrow focus

Perceiving personalities can appear as:

  • Being open-minded
  • Being casual or not one to make plans
  • Mixing work with play
  • Being productive in bursts of energy
  • Receiving added stimulation from pressure or deadlines
  • Having difficulty making decisions

Learn More About Your Personality Type

  • INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) Personality Type
  • INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) Personality Type
  • ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) Personality Type
  • ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) Personality Type
  • ENFJ (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) Personality Type

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does the MBTI personality test take?

The official MBTI assessment takes approximately 45 minutes to complete, according to the Myers-Briggs Company.

Can my personality type change over time?

While your personality may evolve over time, your personality type likely will not change, according to the Myers-Briggs Company. Your personality type is based on whether you naturally prefer introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling and judging or perceiving. The Myers-Briggs framework argues that these four preferences remain stable over time.

What's the rarest MBTI personality?

The rarest MBTI personality type is INFJ, making up approximately 1% to 3% of the U.S. population.

Is the Myers-Briggs test worth taking?

The MBTI personality assessment may be worth taking to discover insights into your likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.

Where can I learn more about my personality type?

You can learn more about your personality type on the Myers & Briggs Foundation’s website. The results from your self-report assessment may provide deeper insight into your personality type.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): A Beginner's Guide (2024)


Can I take the Myers-Briggs test online for free? ›

16 Personalities is free to take and explores your Myers-Briggs type, alongside preferences, personality traits, and a complete description of what your type means.

What are the 4 Myers-Briggs type indicators? ›

In MBTI theory, the four categories are introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. According to the MBTI, each person is said to have one preferred quality from each category, producing 16 unique types. The MBTI emphasizes the value of naturally occurring differences.

How do you tell which MBTI you are? ›

To determine your MBTI personality type, you'll need to complete the MBTI questionnaire. The assessment can be taken online via the Myers & Briggs Foundation's website. There are no right or wrong answers, according to the company, and you'll choose the answers that best fit you.

What is the rarest MBTI type? ›

Sometimes referred to as the "Advocate" or the "Idealist," people with this personality type often feel misunderstood. Perhaps that's because INFJ is the rarest MBTI personality type, making up only 1% to 3% of the U.S. population.

What is the most accurate MBTI personality test free? ›

A. Based on Myers and Briggs' theory, the TypeFinder Personality Test can be considered the most accurate personality type test which is also free to take and easily accessible online.

Is there a free alternative to Myers Briggs? ›

The NERIS Type Explorer®

The NERIS Type Explorer is available for free through the website It is based primarily on the theories of Myers and Briggs, however it uses new terminology for the four preferences and adds a fifth letter to the type code, signifying an individual's response to stress.

What is the most common personality type? ›

According to data provided by the Myers Briggs Foundation , the most common personality type is ISFJ, which stands for Introversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging.

What do psychologists think of MBTI? ›

According to Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist and professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the MBTI completely overlooks emotional stability vs. reactivity, a key predictor of individual and group patterns of thought, feeling and action.

What is the 16 personality? ›

16 personalities is a personality framework that provides insight into how a person makes decisions, interacts with other people, and processes information. There are four general groups of personalities – analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers; each personality falls into one of these four groups.

What does F stand for in a personality test? ›

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE” SURVEY. People with the Feeling (F) trait follow their hearts and emotions – sometimes without even realizing it. They may show it to different degrees and in different ways, but however they do it, Feeling personality types tend to be caring, compassionate, and warm.

Can your personality type change? ›

Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple. According to most personality type theories, the individual's type is inborn and does not change. However, individuals can develop traits and habits that differ or even directly contradict the description of their type.

What does T stand for in MBTI? ›

Thinking – the letter T is for Thinking, and people who have this preference tend to make decisions based on pros and cons, and weighing logical consequences from an objective point of view.

What is the hardest MBTI to get? ›

INFJs are incredibly difficult to type, or determine our MBTI personality type, because we are natural chameleons. We blend in with our environment and take on the personalities of the people around us.

Which MBTI is least popular? ›

The least common Myers-Briggs personality type is INFJ.

INFJs are introverted (I), intuitive (N), feeling (F), and judging (J). It may be hard to notice them since they make up less than 2% of the general U.S. population. These types have a strong sense of integrity and crave deep, meaningful connections with others.

What is the rarest female personality type? ›

If you're wondering what the rarest personality type among females is, you may be surprised to hear that this title goes to INTJ women, which make up 1% of the entire population in the world.

Where can I take the official Myers Briggs test? ›

Online: Take the MBTI online now at The publisher of the MBTI instrument, The Myers-Briggs Company, has developed an automated process where participants verify their type preferences without the aid of a practitioner.

What is the best personality test for free? ›

Best Free Personality Tests
  • Enneagram.
  • True Colours Test.
  • Berkeley Emotional Intelligence.
  • Character Strengths Survey.
  • Sociotype.
  • Verywell Mind.
  • Empathy Quotient.
  • Clearer Thinking.
May 24, 2024

Is 16 Personalities Myers Briggs free? ›

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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