Free Online Counting Games for Kids | SplashLearn (2024)

What Is Counting?

Counting is the process of determining the number of items in a set or group. It is an essential early math skill for kids that helps them understand quantity and perform basic arithmetic. Children learn to count by reciting numbers in order, starting from one and progressing to higher numbers. Counting helps in everyday tasks like counting toys, apples, or friends.

For example, when counting apples in a basket, a child learns that five apples mean there are five objects present. It lays the foundation for more advanced math concepts such as addition, multiplication, etc.

Counting Numbers

In early childhood education, counting plays a crucial role in developing fundamental math skills. By engaging in counting activities, children enhance their number sense, recognize numerical patterns, and establish a strong foundation for future mathematical concepts. From counting fingers and toys to larger sets of objects, this early exposure to counting sets the stage for a lifelong love of math.

  • Counting objects within 3: Children learn to count up to three objects, understanding the concept of "one," "two," and "three" by visually identifying and counting simple sets like three toys or three fingers.
    You can learn to count with games and amazing fun activities. Explore Counting Objects within 3 Games for better understanding!
  • Counting objects within 5: Kids extend their counting skills to up to five objects, grasping numbers "four" and "five." They practice counting toys or fingers in sets of five, reinforcing numerical understanding.
    Check out Counting objects within 5 Games for hands-on practice!
  • Counting objects within 10: Children progress further, learning to count up to ten objects. They master numbers from "six" to "ten," counting small collections like ten candies or ten blocks, enhancing their numerical fluency.
    Become a counting pro with Counting Objects within 10 Games!
  • Counting objects within 20: As children advance, they count up to twenty objects, strengthening their number sense and recognizing numbers from "eleven" to "twenty." They count objects like twenty beads or twenty buttons, preparing for more complex math concepts.

    Visit Counting Objects within 20 Games and enjoy interactive counting games with fun activities!

Methods of Counting

Counting is essential in early education, helping kids build strong math skills. From basic number recitation to advanced methods like skip counting and tally marks, children gain a versatile toolkit to understand and work with numbers. Diverse counting techniques deepen their grasp of numerical concepts, setting the stage for complex math in the future.

1) Counting On: Starting from a given number and continuing to add one to each subsequent number (e.g. counting on from 5: 6, 7, 8, ...).

2) Skip Counting: Counting by a fixed number other than one (e.g. counting by twos: 2, 4, 6, ...; counting by fives: 5, 10, 15, ...).

i) Skip counting by 2’s and 5’s:

In skip-counting by 2’s, each of the alternative numbers or every other number from a given number is recorded. For example, starting from 2, skip-counting by 2’s will yield the following sequence on a line-plot.

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Similar to the skip-counting pattern by 2's, the "5's" counting sequence is obtained. This method helps in writing multiples of 5 fluently while learning multiplication techniques.

The sequences for skip-counting by 5 start from 0 and 1 as follows:

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ii) Skip Counting by 10’s and 100’s

To write the number sequence for the “count by 10’s”, a number grid is drafted as follows:

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Similar to the count by 10’s skipping method, the count by “100’s” sequence is best suited for initiating comprehension of numbers up-to 1000 on a line-plot.

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3) Counting Forward: Counting and skip counting can be done in two ways. Forward counting yields a number higher than the starting number on a line plot. It is used for understanding “addition” and “multiplication” operations.

i) Addition: For addition, mark the first number and count consecutively from it based on the second addend's value to obtain the sum. For example, to add 4 and 3, start from 4 on the line plot and count 3 steps to get the sum 7.

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ii) Multiplication as forward skip counting: It is similar to skip counting with factors determining the value and number of skips. For instance, to multiply 2 and 4, skip count by 4 starting from "0" for two jumps. The line plot representation will be:

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4) Counting Backwards: Subtracting one from a given number and continuing the sequence in reverse order (e.g. counting backwards from 10: 9, 8, 7, ...). It is used for comprehending “subtraction” and “division” operations.

i) Subtraction: It involves marking a line plot from the minuend to "0" and counting in reverse direction from the minuend to the subtrahend. For example, to subtract 3 from 8, start from "8" on the line plot and take 3 steps to the left to get the difference "5".

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ii) Division as reverse skip-counting: It involves each skip's value being equal to the divisor. The quotient is determined by the number of skips needed to reach "0". For instance, to divide 10 by 2, start from "10" on the line plot and take skips of "2" each. The total number of skips (5) to reach "0" is the quotient.

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Progression of Counting Concepts with Grades




• Counting with pictures

• Understanding the concepts of ‘one more’ and ‘two more’

• Counting objects up to 10 in linear and non-linear arrangements

• Count many kinds of concrete objects and actions up to ten, using one-to-one correspondence, and accurately count as many as seven things in a scattered configuration.


• Introduction to counting with manipulatives like counters.

• Using shapes chart and math facts flash cards for comprehension.

• Write a number to represent “how many”

• Learning the counting, number names, comparing numbers up to 20

• Learning the number sequence up to 100

Grade 1

• Grouping objects in sets of 10.

• Learning to count to 120, starting from any number less than 120.

• Understanding place value system

Grade 2

• Count within 1000

• Using counting skills on a line plot.

• Correlating addition and subtraction as forward and backward counting.

• Counting coins, currency exchange

• Skip-counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 10’s.

Grade 3

• Reinforcing counting with writing expanded and word forms.

• Counting numbers in the thousands.

• Applying counting skills in advanced math operations like multiplication and division.

Effective Learning Methods for Counting

1) Counting in different Arrangements:

Counting starts with arranging and counting objects, developing visual observation skills. Different arrangements of objects with the same arithmetic value/frequency enhance understanding. For instance, the given images represent the number 3.

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2) Counting in groups of 10:

Counting objects in groups of ten helps kids understand numbers in various arrangements. They learn to comprehend, speak, and represent numbers in textual form by counting objects in bundles of 10. This sequential approach fosters a deeper understanding of numerical concepts.

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Each bundle allows for creating counting grids up to 20, 50, and 100, which prove useful when adding or subtracting numbers within 100. The figures below depict counting grids for numbers up to 20 and 100.

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3) Line Plot:

The line-plot technique is a powerful and versatile method for understanding numbers and solving math problems. It starts from "0" with each number marked next to it, representing a unit distance. Line plots were conceptually devised by William Playfair to effectively visualize numbers and large datasets. It can be used to determine missing numbers in a sequence and teach basic math operations to preschoolers due to its excellent visual interpretation of numbers.

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Hands-on Math Tools for Counting

Kindergarten classrooms incorporate preschool math activities to teach counting. Learning tools like math flash cards and manipulatives, such as objects, counters, and base-10 blocks, help develop visual observation and counting skills.

1. Objects: The daily engagement of kids with surrounding objects such as currency, birds or animals is a versatile method to start counting. They can count coins, beads, colors and other objects in a picture to familiarize themselves with the concept. Also, with the practice of counting change tendered while buying a candy or toy incorporates the practical approach of learning.

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2. Counters: The math skills pertaining to counting are nurtured with interactive tools such as math counters. The color-coded discs in round shape are most suited for counting and arranging a specific number of discs to learn to count in preschool activities.

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The different types of counters are useful in representing the multi-digit numbers for a strong visual coordination to grasp the concept. Also, the pre-marked counters with ones, ten and hundred are used to perform addition and subtraction in later grades.

3. Base-10 blocks:

The base-10 blocks are also proven effective to nurture counting, number-sense, and associated math skills. The colorful blocks, each representing unit “ones” are clubbed together to represent “tens” and “hundreds”. A tower of 10 unit “ones” constitutes a “ten” and a grid of such 10 “tens” forms a “hundred”.

The base-10 blocks are highly productive to easily count and write numbers up-to 100 and more in an order using math symbols.

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How Can Children Use the Concept of Counting in Real life?

In everyday life, counting is an essential skill that children can use in various practical situations. From shopping and cooking to planning events and organizing belongings, counting helps kids make sense of the world around them.

  • Counting money: Children can use counting in real life when they go shopping and need to count money or handle change during transactions.
  • Counting measurements: In the kitchen, kids can count the ingredients they need while following recipes to make delicious meals.
  • Counting days: Counting becomes handy when they eagerly count the number of days left until a special event or an exciting vacation.
  • Counting objects: Organizing their belongings becomes easier as they count the number of toys, books, or other items they own.
  • Counting steps: Engaging in physical activities like exercise involves counting steps or measuring distances during outdoor adventures.

Importance of Introducing Counting to Kids through Counting Games

Learning to count with games and enjoyable activities help young children develop their counting skills. These games use fun visuals, sounds, and engaging gameplay to make counting a fun learning experience. Through repetition and practice, kids can build a strong foundation in counting and number recognition.

  • Active participation: Due to colorful visuals and interactive activities, kids tend to actively participate in counting games online. Counting concepts can be taught more effectively through such educational games.
  • Fun learning: Number counting games for kids provide a variety of fun activities to keep them engaged and to keep their interest alive in the subject. This way children start gaining interest in the subject while enjoying time.
  • Better comprehension: The concepts like skip-counting or forward and backward counting are explained better through powerful visuals used in counting games. This helps the children to improve their intuitive learning skills.

Counting Math Games vs. Traditional Methods

  • Traditional methods such as textbooks often rely on memorization. However, with online counting games, children learn important counting concepts using different virtual manipulatives or tools such as interactive base-10 blocks, number line, etc. Children can count attractive objects with counting objects games and engaging gameplay.
  • Counting games for children go beyond theoretical knowledge and help children relate to the concepts with their daily lives. Such Math games help children understand the real life relevance of the counting concepts. Conventional methi
  • Rewards and feedback provided by online counting games helps children and parents to analyze the weak points and track progress. Traditional methods may not provide such instant feedback.
  • Kids’ counting games are designed keeping in mind their mindset and age. With educational counting games, kids play and also stay motivated to learn!

What Are 5 Best Fun Counting Games and Activities for Kids?

Here are 5 fun counting games by SplashLearn:

  • Match Numbers up to 3 Game
  • Count to 5 Game
  • Match Number and Pattern Game
  • Count to 20 Game
  • Hop and Count from 1 to 10 Game
Free Online Counting Games for Kids | SplashLearn (2024)


How do you teach counting in a fun way? ›

12 Fun Activities to Improve Kids' Counting Skills
  1. Play counting games. ...
  2. Make math puzzles. ...
  3. Use flashcards. ...
  4. Sing counting songs. ...
  5. Play counting games on the computer. ...
  6. Practice number formation with playdough mats. ...
  7. Play counting board games. ...
  8. Create patterns with counting objects in sequence.
Dec 28, 2021

Is SplashLearn free? ›

SplashLearn is completely free for teachers. Students can practice over 4,000 curriculum-aligned math and reading skills for free in school and all teacher-assigned activities for free at home. For families, SplashLearn offers a free 7-day trial.

What are 5 educational games? ›

5 Active Educational Games for Kids
  • Sylla-balls. ...
  • Letter Sound/Sight Word Road. ...
  • Letter Sound Hopscotch. ...
  • Sight Word/Letter Stomp. ...
  • Numbers Bowling.
May 19, 2021

Is math Playground free? ›

Math Playground includes many features including a working calculator, several pen colors, grid and number line views, drag and drop shapes and rotating and resizable calculator and protractor. The best part is it is free. Math Playground was developed by a teacher for teachers.

At what age should a child recognize numbers and letters? ›

Children can start recognizing numbers around the ages of 2–3 and letters around the ages of 4–5. The best thing a parent can do to facilitate number and letter recognition is to: Read books that have lots of numbers and counting, and letters too. Play games that involve counting and reciting the alphabet.

How much does SplashLearn cost per month? ›

SplashLearn Pricing

Parents can choose to pay a subscription which ranges from $7.99 to $11.99 per month depending on the plan chosen. Parents have the option of a monthly, quarterly, yearly or family subscription. The family plan is yearly and supports up to 3 child accounts.

What are the disadvantages of SplashLearn? ›

Cons: Questions can get repetitive, and incorrect answers receive little help. Bottom Line: These engaging math games for younger kids are great for math skills practice, but you'll need a paid account to access a substantial amount of the content.

Do parents have to pay for SplashLearn? ›

SplashLearn Home Access is FREE for parents to get linked to their kids' classroom accounts.

What is name 5 game classroom? ›

Simply hold up a card and ask your student to name 5 things which fit within the category. This exercise can improve communication and speaking skills, quick thinking as well as naming, labeling and categorizing objects.

How to play letter hopscotch? ›

  1. Start by writing the letter A.
  2. Then proceed to write B as well as another letter (like J or O). ...
  3. Then write letter C and another letter (like K or L) . ...
  4. Once finished, ask the child to start at the letter A and moved through the hopscotch by jumping to the next letter in the alphabet.
May 8, 2018

What is a best of 5 game? ›

Best of 5 means a competition format in which players play up to five sets, with the team declared the winner once they have won three sets.

Is Coolmath games free? ›

Coolmath Games is the free brain-training app for everyone, where logic and thinking meet fun & games!

Is Gamilab free? ›

Playing games on Gamilab is still free, and you can create games on a free account with certain limitations.

What is the best math website for free? ›

So without further ado, let's get started!
  • Cliffs Notes.
  • Khan Academy.
  • Art of Problem Solving.
  • SumDog.
  • Greg Tang Math.
  • Illuminations.
  • Cool Math.
  • Hot Math.

How do you play the counting game? ›

Sit or stand in a circle. The idea is for the group to count to twenty, one person saying one number at a time. Anybody can start the count. Then a different person says the next number – but if two or more people happen to speak at the same time, counting must start again from the beginning.

How do you introduce a counting lesson? ›

  1. Tell students they will be playing a game to practice counting. ...
  2. Give each table group a set of manipulatives and instruct students to count objects to put inside the cups that match the number. ...
  3. Walk around as students work and help guide those who are in need.

How do you teach students skip counting? ›

What Are The Best Ways To Teach Skip Counting?
  1. Question Your Child. Ask your child questions like “Skip count by 5's” or “Skip count to 100 by 20's”.
  2. Learn With Number Charts. One of the best ways to teach children to skip count. ...
  3. Count With A Calculator. ...
  4. Skip Counting Puzzles.
Jan 27, 2023

How do you teach math in fun way? ›

Math can be enjoyable and engaging by incorporating games and puzzles, using real-life examples, using technology, encouraging group work, and using humour. Making math fun again makes students more likely to develop an interest in the subject and perform better.

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.