Customs Extractions Map and Video Guides - TarkovHQ (2024)

Let’s take a look at all of the extractions on Customs in Escape from Tarkov. Videos can be super helpful when trying to extract in EFT as it can be very confusing if you are new to a map. Do your best to identify landmarks you know to navigate through Customs so you can extract.

There is also a full guide of Customs map if you would rather see that overview.

Escape from Tarkov Customs Exits

Administration Gate | Beyond Fuel Tank | Crossroads | Dorms V-EX | Factory Far Corner | Factory Shacks | Military Base CP | Old Gas Station PMC | Old Gas Station SCAV | Old Road Gate | Passage Between Rocks | Railroad to Military Base | Railroad to Port | Railroad to Tarkov | RUAF Roadblock | SCAVs Checkpoint | Smugglers Boat | Sniper Roadblock | Trailer Park | Trailer Park Workers Shack | Warehouse 4 | Warehouse 17 | ZB-1011 | ZB-1012

Administration Gate Extraction on Customs

As a scav, there are only a couple extractions available each raid. One of the more common extractions is Administration Gate. This extraction can be tough to venture to as it is at the very edge of the map as well as it is close to a common PMC extraction, ZB-1011. Beware of PMCs and hostile player scavs in the area.

How to Extract at Administration Gate

  • Always open
  • SCAV only
  • No special requirements

Crossroads Extraction on Customs

Crossroads Extraction is one of the most common as players will almost always have it as an option. This, along with how far away it is from spawn points can make it hard to reach. Fortunately, if you do make it you know you can extract as it is always open.

How to Extract at Crossroads

  • Always open
  • PMC and SCAV
  • No special requirements

Dorms V-EX Extraction on Customs

Although it is in the same location as Old Gate Road, Dorms V-EX is a PMC only extraction on Customs. When you are playing as a PMC and are attempting to extract at Dorms V-EX you will need 7,000 roubles on your body. It is pretty rare to find 7,000 roubles in-game so you may want to consider carrying them in your pouch into Customs. Look for the red van just north of the dormitory buildings to use the Dorms V-EX extraction on Customs.


  • Occasionally open – Check and listen for the van in the gate, if there is no van the extraction is not open
  • PMC only
  • Must have 7,000 roubles on you

Factory Far Corner Extraction on Customs

Factory Far Corner is a common SCAV extraction so it is good to know all about this extraction zone. Because it is so commonly used, there is more extraction camping around it than others, so beware when you are headed there. Along with that, it is about the furthest extraction from the customs side spawn points as a SCAV which can make it tough to get to it. Remember to move with caution, especially as a SCAV with low to no armor.

How to Extract at Factory Far Corner

  • Always open
  • SCAV only
  • No special requirements

Factory Shacks Extraction on Customs

As a scav only extraction, Factory Shacks is a great extraction point on Customs if you are venturing into Dorms. It is one of the closest extractions to Dorms and it is smack-dab in the center of the map. This is also good extraction if you are injured and cannot walk across the entire map in a timely fashion. The only downside, it’s a rare extraction to get and it is in a high-traffic area. Also, do not be on the bad side of scavs when extracting as you will be in the line of sight of 2 sniper scavs.

How to Extract at Factory Shacks

  • Always open
  • SCAV only
  • No special requirements

Military Base CP EXTRACTION on Customs

Military Base CP is a good extraction to learn as it is in a generally safer area than many other extractions. This is a result of the lack of large looting areas nearby. So, if you have a thick pack of loot and have to decide between Old Gas Station and Military Base CP, the latter is the better option. Do beware, there will be quite a few SCAVs in this area of Customs, don’t piss them off.

How to Extract at Military Base CP

  • Always open
  • SCAV only
  • No special requirements

Old Gas Station PMC Extraction on Customs

There are two different extractions over at the Old Gas Station, one for PMCs and one for SCAVs. This first one is the PMC extraction. There are a few random loot spawns inside of the gas station, make sure you check before you extract. Along with that, this is a common place for SCAVs to spawn, so move with caution.

How to Extract at Old Gas Station PMC

  • Occasionally open – Check for the green smoke outside, if there is no smoke it is not open
  • PMC only – SCAV extraction is behind the gas station
  • No special requirements

Old Gas Station SCAV Extraction on Customs

This is the second extraction in the Old Gas Station area, just for scav players. The Old Gas Station Scav Extraction is right behind the gas station with a health bag spawn right next to it. If you stay friendly to other scavs, this can be a low risk extraction with a lot of cover from the environment, which is nice.

How to Extract at Old Gas Station Scav

  • Always open
  • SCAV only – PMC extraction is in the basem*nt of the gas station
  • No special requirements

Railroad to Tarkov Extraction on Customs

The Railroad to Tarkov extraction on Customs is one of the best SCAV extractions. There are many great spots to loot nearby so you if it is late in the game and you have some extra space to fill, you can hit them for any leftovers. Or, a common tactic is to cover the most ground early in the game so you can hit all of the loot spots around this extraction right before it is time to extract.

How to Extract at Railroad to Tarkov

  • Always open
  • SCAV only
  • No special Requirements

RUAF Roadblock Extraction on Customs

As a PMC, this can be a risky extraction to use as it is right in the line of sight of a SCAV sniper on top of the warehouse to the East of the extraction. Make sure that you either kill this SCAV before you reach the extraction or you keep an eye up there while you extract. Make sure you hit the loot spots around RUAF Roadblock if you have time and space: buried hatch underneath the cement fixtures to the west of the road, duffle bag in the bus stop to the east of the road and the wooden box next to the truck.

How to Extract at RUAF Roadblock

  • Occasionally open – Look for the bright light above the gate to indicate that the extraction is open
  • PMC and SCAV
  • No special Requirements

Smugglers Boat Extraction on Customs

One of the coolest looking extractions on Customs is Smugglers Boat, you literally are loading onto a little boat to escape, how sick is that. When you are extracting at Smugglers Boat, keep an eye out for the campfire to know if it is open or not. Along with that, make sure you keep an eye across the river as players and SCAVs can be on the other side and cross where the shipping containers are in the river.

How to Extract at Smugglers Boat

  • Occasionally open – Check for the campfire next to the river to know if it is available for extraction
  • PMC only
  • No special requirements

Trailer Park Extraction on Customs

Trailer Park is a fairly covered extraction, making it decently safe once you arrive with trees and bushes to hide in. Along with that, since it is simply in the far corner of the Customs side, it is one of the easier extractions to find. All you need to know is the main customs area with the shipping containers and the storage sheds, head outside the wall and to the southwest and you will find the Trailer Park extraction. Beware, this is a very common SCAV spawn area so keep a look out on your way there.

How to Extract at Trailer Park

  • Always open
  • PMC only
  • No special requirements

ZB-1011 EXTRACTION on Customs

Similar to its neighboring SCAV extraction Factory Far Corner, ZB-1011 is a very common PMC extraction. Make sure to check all of your corners when entering the extraction as there are multiple corners for players to hide in to prevent you from extracting. Along with that, keep an eye out as there are many different SCAV spawns around ZB-1011.

How to Extract at ZB-1011

  • Always open
  • PMC only
  • No special requirements

zb-1012 EXTRACTION on Customs

The companion over the wall to extraction ZB-1011, ZB-1012 is a riskier and less common extraction. If it is late in the game and you have already found yourself over on the Boiler Tanks side, ZB-1012 is a good extraction to check for. You can loot the warehouses around the extraction before heading out which can provide some great loot close to your extraction. Check for the bright light above the entrance to ZB-1012 to see if it is open, if not just head to ZB-1011 as it is always open for PMCs that spawn on Customs side.

How to Extract at ZB-1012

  • Occasionally open – Check for the bright light above the entrance for availability
  • PMC only
  • No special requirements

Customs Extractions Map and Video Guides - TarkovHQ (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.