[30 Test Answers] LETRS Unit 7: Sessions 1 to 6 – Test Pinoy (2024)

We have compiled all the test answers to LETRS Unit 7 Sessions 1–6 so you can ace this exam with no problem at all.

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Unit 7

Session 1

Question 1: With first-grade students, how much instructional time should be spent on English language arts?
Answer: 2 hours or more

Question 2: Teachers should depend heavily on the results of screeners such as Acadience Reading K-6 Next to determine what skills should be taught to students.
Answer: False

Question 3: By second grade, the most effective approach to teaching reading comprehension emphasizes:
Answer: all of the above in roughly equal proportion

Question 4: Which of the following is not a criterion for high-quality text?
Answer: relevant to what’s going on that day

Question 5: One test of a robust curriculum in grades K-3 is whether, upon walking into a classroom, an observer can tell what students are learning about.
Answer: True

Session 2

Question 1: The students most likely to benefit from strategy instruction are those who (Select all that apply):
Answer: are in grades four and above; have acquired good decoding skills but aren’t familiar with a particular strategy

Question 2: The best time to employ strategy instruction is when:
Answer: students are ready for it, in the context of lessons with a larger purpose

Question 3: Which of these steps in the “gradual release of responsibility” of strategy instruction is out of sequence?
Answer: The teacher models the thinking process by thinking aloud.

Question 4: Good readers tend to move on, even when the passage is not making sense to them.
Answer: False

Question 5: “Imagine what would happen if the polar ice caps melted” is an example of what type of question?
Answer: Creating

Session 3

Question 1: Well-designed questions (select all that apply):
Answer: are text dependent AND focus on the “why” and “how” of a topic

Question 2: Which of the following is an example of elaborative/questioning?
Answer: “Would you have reacted the same way the girl did?”

Question 3: “How do you know that she liked her new home?” is an example of:
Answer: implicit questioning

Question 4: Teaching comprehension can be accomplished by testing students with multiple-choice questions after they’ve completed independent reading.
Answer: False

Question 5: Pivotal points to ask questions include places where(select all that apply):
Answer: sentences connect to one another; meanings of new words become clear; students should grasp how the text’s discourse is organized.

Session 4

Question 1: What is the purpose of after-reading activities? Select all that apply.
Answer: They let students transform the information into a new format; They help students see reading as more than a chore; They check students’ comprehension of key ideas.

Question 2: According to research, which practice is essential for building an enduring mental model of a text?
Answer: reading the text multiple times with varied purposes

Question 3: Which of the following is an after-reading activity?
Answer: summarizing the main ideas from the text

Question 4: According to research, what macro processes help students “own” the information from a text?
Answer: selecting, ordering, and transforming the main ideas

Question 5: Why are after-reading activities effective?
Answer: They reinforce the structure and purpose of the text.

Session 5

Question 1: Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: Teachers should explicitly teach the text structure of both informational and narrative texts.

Question 2: When should teachers introduce the purpose of a text?
Answer: before the first read

Question 3: Vocabulary activities before reading should focus primarily on which type(s) of language? Select all that apply.
Answer: Tier 2 vocabulary words; figurative languages and idiomatic phrases

Question 4: An effective reading comprehension lesson will include (select all that apply):
Answer: an introduction of background knowledge needed to comprehend the text; a graphic organizer that helps students visualize the structure of the text; an after-reading activity to transform information from the text into a new format; questions to ask during reading, tied to specific places in the text

Question 5: Teachers should do all of the following during reading, except:
Answer: explicitly teach Tier 2 vocabulary words

Session 6

Question 1: All of the following are features of African American English except:
Answer: speakers often form sentences without a subject

Question 2: What kind of vocabulary instruction may be appropriate for English Learners, but is not usually needed for native English speakers?
Answer: definitions and examples for Tier I vocabulary words

Question 3: Which of the following statements about dialects are true? Select all that apply.
Answer: dialects have rules for grammar and punctuation; dialect speakers often have difficulty translating speech into print

Question 4: What is code-switching?
Answer: the ability to switch between a nonstandard dialect and Standard English depending on the situation (NOT A)

Question 5: What is a best practice when working with dialect speakers?
Answer: Build language awareness so that students can code-switch between their dialect and Standard English

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  6. LETRS Unit 6
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[30 Test Answers] LETRS Unit 7: Sessions 1 to 6 – Test Pinoy (2024)
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